Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Divine Love

 "Trust me with my love for you. For it is expressed in such a profound way for all to see. Open your hearts and receive my inexhaustible flow of love that overshadows your faults and fears. I am for you and not against you. Your heart is in my hand not to crush but to soothe and comfort you. Leave the past behind and embrace that which is nigh and before you. Receive my grace which will transpire your mind to behold the things of the spirit and you shall not desire the things of the flesh. A greater weight of glory has come upon you. Won't you receive it, won't you receive my love".

The Father's love for mankind is unconditional. His love digs deep into our very soul and being. The love of God is vital for us in order to rebound out of sin and deliver our lives from fears, disasters, death, sickness, etc. The love of God covers us like an eternal blanket. Lord teach us to love. Lord help us to believe that you the creator of the universe undeniably love us. God loves each and every one of us. He has sent his Son Jesus to give his life for us. Even as we await his appearance, I believe it is essential that we tell everyone that God loves them unconditionally. No matter what we have done the love of our Father is so much greater than our sins.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Knowing When To Say "No"

I've found that saying "no" is not always an easy thing to do but can be very liberating when we do say no.  Before you come to the conclusion that something or a decision is not the best thing for you, one grapples with the thought of disappointing others or second-guessing whether you're making the right and best decision.  Over the years I learned to follow my instincts in making sound judgments and not allow others to persuade me to change my mind in order to appease them.  When we voluntarily go against our better judgment for ourselves, we are often left feeling a sense of disgust and anger as we have to carry out or commit to something not desired.

Staying true to oneself and peace of heart requires that we take control of the narrative for our life and not allow others to pull the reins towards an undesired direction.  Saying "no" to the wrong person and wrong things are never a problem it's saying "no" to the ones we love that is.  Sometimes saying "no" will cause division between those we love and even question one's loyalty.  At the end of the day, everyone wants to feel free knowing that they have taken control of their mental health well-being and eliminated unwanted and unnecessary obligations that others seek to impose.  

The same can be said to saying "no"  to oneself when our mind tells us to give up on living because things are not working out and nobody understands.  Quit living. No one cares. There is an easy solution to solve this problem once and for all. I'm gonna check out.  None of these scenarios are to be taken casually as even the best of us are susceptible to giving into wrong thinking at times.  The accumulation of traumatic events and the pressures of life can take a toll on all of us.  Our minds and emotions betray us by painting pictures of such massive and insurmountable problems that cannot be solved.  It makes us feel so isolated and our problems so unique that even the best therapist and physician who've helped countless others are not able to help us.  That is not the truth, it's a big lie, and I'm not giving in to it.  These are the times we need not second guess whether saying "no" is an option.  Indeed saying "NO" to any and all forms of self-harm is the right answer.  Say "no" to all thoughts of suicide, despair, defeat, and deception.  We all have challenges at some point in our life. There is always someone or support we can turn to for help even anonymously.  

Begin to love your life and see the gift that you are.  You are important and of great worth.  Your smile is unique and beautiful.  Know when to say "no" and set boundaries in your life so that you will live a productive, stress-free, and happy life that takes you on the journey that has been paved just for you.  You are loved and will always be loved.

Remaining Hopeful

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about plans for this new year.  Some people are in gear and ready to get what they aspire to achieve as earl...