Monday, December 18, 2017

Archives 2017 Total Praise

Total Praise

Dec. 19, 2017

As I walked through my bedroom this evening putting away laundry, I heard this song in my spirit, "Lord, I lift my hands in total praise to You". I laughed and wondered what is the Lord really saying to me.  Okay, He has gotten my attention and the melody changed to the words “Hallelujah” and other chords.  Just the Lord and I in this room, for sure it makes sense to him although I am uncertain what He’s up to.  

I began to feel a refreshing from the busyness of today’s events.  No doubt millions of people around the world where shuffling throughout the day also getting things together for the Christmas holiday.  For me, my focus today was getting thank you letters out to people and organizations who assisted us with the annual Children’s Christmas Party my work hosted last week.  It took so many people to help make the event a success and I did not want today to pass without getting all of the letters out.     So I was in a "don’t disturb my mood". Even one of the therapists came to my office and said “Ms. J. you okay”.  I only smiled for I was on a mission, or so I thought. 

As the day appeared to be escaping from me, I asked my assistant to help me get some packages together for distribution.  Around midday, I left the office so that I could attend to other matters.   The roads were busy, and emergency vehicles were pushing their way through traffic.  All of a sudden my car went off the hill into a ditch.  It made so much noise from the impact that I thought for sure I’m in real trouble.  Are my tires busted?  Is the muffler attached?  At that moment, I could not come out to check the damages but continued rolling down the ditch off the hill until I got back onto the road.  Immediately, I blocked out the incident from my mind and instead turned up the music and began singing.  Yes, I made a stop at the mechanic shop, replaced two tires, and continued to my destination.  

I did not mention the incident to anyone, not my colleagues or my parents. So many things can go wrong within a day so why dwell on it.   I am at peace knowing that God kept me safe.  Looking back at how the incident happened, I now recall taking my eyes off the road and I was complaining about the people who were driving on the opposite side. They were hesitating to pull over so that the ambulance and police vehicles could pass.  If I had kept my eyes on where I was going I would not have ended up in the ditch.  In the Book of St. Matthew Chapter 7:3-4 Jesus said “ And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considereth not the beam that is in thine own eye.  Or how will thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and behold a beam is in thine own eye?  Our judgment can become clouded when we're not seeing people through eyes of love.  I was so caught up in myself that I easily forgot that the road is narrow and that neither of the divers nor myself had sufficient space to pull over.  I have driven on the opposite side of that street on a daily basis and I am aware that the lanes are narrow, therefore I should never have criticized the other drivers.

Sometimes we get caught up in being self-centered that we lapse into actions that are not godly.  We are to be pure in heart and in our actions, for these are the attributes of our Father in Heaven. I learned a valuable lesson today that I will remember as long as I live.  

Contained within our songs are rays of beams that penetrate and destroy the darkness from around us and within us.   So give God the glory and the praise.  Send out waves of praises into the atmosphere.  There are prophetic songs that are waiting to be released so that we can come to an agreement with what Papa is saying.   I am excited about what He is doing.  I can’t explain it but I sense a movement like none other.  Not a little, nor a trickle but like a breaking of a dam is the outpouring, cool waters refreshing our souls of blacks, whites, yellows, young and old. To the degree that the Father would give.  This is the turnabout point for many to come into the Kingdom.  Many into the Kingdom.  Can we see each other as Papa sees us?  There are no beams in his eyes.  

As King David said in Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.   I will delight myself in the Lord for I want to see many come into God’s Kingdom from all the nations of the world.  With my mouth, I will praise, bless and not criticize.

Nov. 21, 2017

You've Got Mail

It is so amazing that we get to experience the different ways that God speaks to us.  On any given day one can take for granted the motions and occurrences that seem to appear for a brief moment which can be easily mistaken for our imagination.   We somehow simply eliminate the possibility that it might have been an answer to a prayer or a moment to engage with our Lord.  How often do we get envelopes from the utility company, notices to pay a bill or promotional items in the mail?  In the Bahamas our mail is not delivered to our doorstep, we have to travel to the post office to access our mailbox.  Often times I would find a lot of envelopes stuffed inside the box which needs to be sorted and distributed to family members and friends. 

My inbox for my email is no different either, as I’ve subscribed and partnered with ministries over the years and receive information on a regular basis.   Not to mention the spam box which also captures “unwanted” stuff that can pile up over time but you’ve still got the mail.   Can you really tell what the content of the mail is?  You might say that it’s marked by “ABC Power & Utilities” so it’s got to be an electricity bill, therefore there is no need to open it.  At the same time, you presume that because you’re behind on your payment it could not be a letter stating that you’ve got credit.   Instead of your insurance premium notice, it could be a dividend cheque.   Even our spam folder can be holding a correspondence that needs immediate attention so it was not junk mail after all.   So we make an assumption based on past experiences.     

Too often we’re the same way with God when He speaks to us.  His delivery can seem almost so ordinary at times and we simply don’t take the time to stop to engage with him.  The quiet promptings, a song on the radio, a tune that your recall from childhood, numbers, colors, etc.  We cannot take for granted that God is doing something new with a familiar thing.  For the past 5 months, I kept seeing butterflies, bees, and birds in abundance.  Initially, there was nothing significant about them but I began to observe them first thing in the morning while doing my devotion and I remembered that we had not seen so many butterflies in years.  They are in a variety of colors and sizes. They can often be seen on the grasses and flowering plants.

Last week while driving on the highway to work I came to stop and a pair of lime green butterflies flew over to my car, they just seemed to dance before my eyes before moving on.  Little birds and doves would land in my bedroom windowpane and just rest, almost appearing to be listening while I sing choruses.  My niece Rachel Grace exclaimed in incitement “Auntie, see the birds on the window”.  I feel God's peace around me and observe the transformation of my heart.   For me, it’s wonderful that God uses his creation to remind me of his love and that he is near me.  I chose to open my mail.  I chose to believe that God is telling me that He takes care of the butterflies, birds, and bees and that he will take of me.  That I am never alone.  Just last Tuesday I saw a new color butterfly outside my bedroom window that I had not seen before, it was almost orange in color.  It was larger than the other species and seemed to glide over the branches. To me, this suggests that the old Glendina is no more and that the new me is emerging.  No longer will the issues of my past try to sabotage my identity, for I know that I am in Christ and that I am a Child of God.  Opening the mail takes time and it takes patience to read and to analyze the contents.  Take time to decipher whether the Lord is speaking to you.  I know many of you have been observing reoccurring happenings and sighting over the last few weeks.  Be still and ask Holy Spirit to help you to recognize God’s voice and the ways that he is revealing himself to you. 

The Bible speaks of God revealing himself to Moses in the burning bush on the mountain.  Exodus Chapter 3:2-3 “The angel of God appeared to him in flames of fire blazing out of the middle of a bush. He looked. The bush was blazing away but it didn’t burn up. Moses said, “What’s going on here? I can’t believe this! Amazing! Why doesn’t the bush burn up?” 

That day Moses had an encounter with the LORD and received his calling to lead God’s people out of Egypt.  He made a choice to investigate what was happening to the bush.  No doubt he had seen shrubs and bushes burning many times in that harsh desert area, but on that occasion, he knew something was different.   He did not turn away or ignored at other times.   Who knows if God had not on a prior occasion revealed himself to Moses through the burning bush because sometimes it takes a while before we really get it.  We don’t always comprehend the ways in which God speaks and interacts with us.  But Moses got it and his life was never the same. 

My prayer for you is that you too will step into the extraordinary with God.  That your eyes and hearts be opened to the ways God is speaking to you.  That you will never again perceive your life as dull, boring, or inadequate but rather amazing. Amen


 Aug. 19, 2017

The Call Requires Sacrifice

It's been a while since I posted my journal entries.  I had the nudging this evening to do so again. My prayer for you is that you are inspired to know that all of us although different are similar, in that, we all have matters of the heart that we're constantly praying about.  God desires to speak to us about these issues.  Also that you be deliberate in spending time alone in his presence to hearing and seeing his heart. 

(Evening July 2, 2017) I had this dream in June.  For reasons unknown, I did not journal the same day.  However, it was on my mind into the second week, that is when I decided to write it down. 

I was walking on a major street in Nassau by a historic Church of God of Prophecy.  They were having a family fun day event.  The church was open and lots of people were in attendance.  As I walked the church observing the activities I noticed the building continued to expand or extent.  I saw different phases of the church throughout the years.  The architectural designs, building materials, and layout were different.  The people looked different as well, different clothing styles.  The church building was still being extended supernaturally.  Some windows were smaller, with multiple floors/levels and columns.  I saw a period where the church had the masonic symbol on the building and there was a  meeting going on inside.  I saw pottery as though from the very early period, primitive and odd sizes.  A segment was really dark with just a glimmer of light.  However, there was a different part where the church was really white in color, with very large and bright lights.  The people were well dressed, especially the women.  But the church was partly empty.  Although it was a Church of God of Prophecy it resembled the Anglican Church inside with emblems/artifacts on the walls and the Priest stood in front of the church on the altar that had a railing around it.  There were only a few women seated far apart.  Some people had already left, others were walking out through side doors and some stood outside talking.

As I stood in the doorway I began to look up.  The roof appeared to be going higher, almost like it was opening to more heights miraculously.   I saw people also upon the levels and they saw me.  I saw doors and windows opening. Each level was designed differently. No two-door or window was the same.   I felt the desire to completely step inside but I resisted and stepped back and walked away.  I then walked to the side of the church into a lovely garden.  It had stone paths and columns with low-cut grass. No one else was there so I kneeled down to pray.  A respected friend who is a Senior Pastor from my previous church came through an entry and approached me.  I stood up and she began to speak.  Her words to me were that I will not be received in there but that I am to go to those out there to heal and to minister to the hurting, broken, and dejected people.  That I will receive the impartation from her.  As she spoke I fell on my knees and received the impartation.  People began to come to see what was happening.  Some of the women I had seen earlier.  She also admonished me to always pray.  That I did not fit in nor will I fit in the normal setting. That God has called me to go to reach those as He uses me through his Holy Spirit to deliver his children.   


 (Evening of March 18, 2017)  I asked God for the answer to the homeless problem in Nassau.  This is the answer I received from the Holy Spirit.

Lay my soul to sleep.  Rest for the soul.   Soul to take rest from issues of life.  This applies to those that are homeless.  They are driven to and fro because there is no rest in their soul because of the issues not dealt with in their past from early on until the period of time. 

Therefore they can not go forward and be at peace.  They have given way to the enemy to possess them and the reigns of their heart to drive them from finding no resting ground. 

However the Commander and Chief of our soul is Jesus Christ.  It’s he who gives life and peace and rest for the soul of man.  Anyone who comes to him shall be saved in soul, body, and spirit.  He that comes shall in no ways be turned away but find rest and healing.


(Evening of March 18, 2017)  I asked the answer for the marital problems, domestic violence in our land.  This is the answer I received.

(Yes, Jesus loves me.  The Bible tells me so.)  This was my worship song.

A man who hurts his wife is not a man who loves.  A wife who dishonors her husband is not a wife that loves.  Love is gentle and kind.  It’s not easily provoked. It’s not puffed up.  Does not get easily offended.  Holds no ground for evil but does that which is good.  Love gives and loves protects.  Love is not selfish but love sacrifices and gives unselfishly.  Love never fails.  The fight begins when there is no love.  It harms and wounds the body and soul of another.  Love is birthed from and is of God.  Those in God are born of God are love.  Take on the nature of God and then you will love.  Love never leaves.  Love doesn't steal.  Love never dies not moves away. Love is not affected by time.  Love keeps on loving regardless.  Love never gives up.  Love is healing for the soul and marriage. 

Jesus is soon to come.  He is coming for a ready church.  One without spot, wrinkle, or blemish.  A church that is waiting for his return.  The One it’s been waiting for.  I AM come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.  However, they seem not to get it sometime.  For I know their thoughts and see their ways.  Far away from me and fear.  I know life has not been easy as you can see for Satan has been busy, bossing around people and taunted by demons.  However, I have given my people power and authority over demons, devils, and over circumstances of life.  They have for too long believed a lie that I have failed.  That I did not come through.  That I did not hear.  When I said unto them that I have given them power in my Name overall the powers of the devil.  That I have destroyed the works of the evil one.  For so long I have acted on behalf of them.  But now it is time for the Church to arise in agreement with the power and authority I have invested into them.  The Church is called out to inhabit the end-time revival and to reach the souls of the masses with the preached gospel of the kingdom and of peace.  I have imparted grace and the anointing to prophesy to the needs and institutions and erect righteous orders in the land.  The pulpit is to preach the gospel and to demonstrate love.  It is not to exude power over people but to love.  The promise is to keep a heart of love and to walk by faith.  Are you ready my child?  Let them know I am coming soon to establish my righteous order in the earth as it is in heaven.


(Morning of Feb 20, 2017) This is the day that the Lord has made. (Worship Song)

Psalm 34:22  The Lord redeemed the soul of his servants and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate.

Learn to wait on the Lord.  Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart.  Love life, health, the grace, and the blessings of God.  Above all things and others love God, then love your neighbor as yourself. 

My grace is towards you.  You have laughter and joy again.  You are comforted again.  You are cared for.    Trust me, my child, when I say you are for me and my word is for you.  I go before you in this day with a mighty hand and outstretched arm to render vengeance on your behalf.  You have cried enough tears and seen enough sorrows.  But I have come to see you and your cause.  I shall shake the heavens and the earth to repay you as I have claimed you as mine.  Trust me to do as I said for it is done.  Bless the Lord at all times.  Praise is from the upright in heart and your heart is turned towards and after me.  Lean not on your own understanding for I shall bring my word to past concerning you.  Right now my word is passing over you to bless, promote, protect, keep and care for you.  You are preserved for my work in the kingdom.  Trust me and obey when I say it is done, it's already done concerning you.  Fear not for I the LORD thy God am with you and I bring you into a fruitful land.  Come and go with me as we travail and contend for the souls of others.  Work for me and you shall be established. 

Further inspired by Holy Spirit to read Psalm 27 and worship




(Morning Feb 8, 2017)  This dream I had in the early morning like I normally do.  Many times I will see prominent people from the Church, Government, etc.  Please forgive me as I wish not to disclose those persons' names on this forum as not to offend anyone. 

A Bishop and his wife were talking to a small group of us (less than 10) in a classroom setting on the different aspects of the ministry.  It appeared the session had come to an end and people were leaving in pairs but I was alone.  I recall saying to the Leaders that I would have to leave my present church to go to another ministry.  Then it appeared that both the Bishop and his wife’s hands were saturated with olive oil.  The Bishop took my left hand and his wife my right hand.  I could not see anything else as the room became really bright for a moment before I could feel and see the oil dripping from my hands.  

This dream stood out to me as I had a similar dream in 2011 where another Pastor and his wife told me that I would have to leave where I was to get further training.  They are world renowned teachers of the faith as well.  However, my response in the dream was “no”.  My reasons were that I wanted to stay at that present church and settle down there.  I had plans for walking down the aisle of that church on my wedding day and raising my children in that denomination. I recall telling them this in the dream.  They did not respond but only smiled and the dream ended.

Yet the following days and months I did not forget the dream and I was troubled at my response.  Rightfully so too because I loved my church, I was working in several auxiliaries and had many friends.  In addition, it was less than 5 minutes away from home. 

Well in 2012 to my surprise a situation occurred that turned my world upside down.  Although there were reconciliation and vindication on my part I ended up leaving anyway.  Looking back now I probably should have obeyed the calling and said “yes”.  And today I am still unmarried and without children. (check motives)  After my departure, I was very timid to join another ministry.   However, I did.  It was smaller in size in comparison to the cathedral I previously attended.  It is Holy Ghost filled and I was ordained in 2014 as a Minister.  My Apostle and Senior Pastor have mentored me.  The gifts were stirred up and used regularly to preach,  prophesy, outreach, sing on the praise team, deliverance, ushering, cleaning, serve, etc.

As you can imagine when I had this dream on February 8th, I had concerns and another dream-like it followed on July 9th, 2017.

I will disclose more details about this situation at another time.


Jun. 17, 2017

God Loves Me - Even Me

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD", plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I know it is not always easy to share our private moments and conversations God has with us. Although we're living in a time where the supernatural of God is evident, still there are many people who don't believe that God speaks to his children in diverse ways.  Over the years I have written journals, sometimes writing twice a day, and sometimes I would go days without writing.  Most of my writings are either on dreams or dialogue that I have during devotion.  I've learned over time to just write what I hear and see and to believe what the Holy Spirit says.   It does not matter whether others don't believe that our Father in Heaven expresses himself to you the way he does.  What matters is that you believe and receive his words of comfort, affirmation, instructions, and corrections.  The journal entry below is a simple reminder to you to revisit God's words concerning you and his plans for your life.  God had not forgotten.  He has not forgotten you and regardless of how things started out your end will be favorable.  Continue to press your way through the obstacles of life worshiping and praising the Lord. You are no mistake for God has prepared us to the praise and glory of his grace, wherein he had made you and I accepted in the beloved.

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