Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Remaining Hopeful

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about plans for this new year.  Some people are in gear and ready to get what they aspire to achieve as early as possible while they have the momentum.  Others are a bit more skeptical as they are still rebounding from the disappointments of last year due to the myriad of losses.  Yet there are those who are straddling the fence trying to decide should I or should I not put out any effort as things seems never to work out as anticipated.

What does a person do when remaining hopeful is no longer an anchor in the midst of daily living.  Sometimes we can automatically dismiss this notion as foolishness or madness to assume that one would dare to think that way.  Yet, many people are silently hiding the fact that they have lost hope and are limp in their spirit.  The life, zeal, and strength have been zapped out of them. However, it is that secret that is hidden and cleverly concealed under the pretense of a smile and cliches to mask the truth.  

Do you really know how that person is feeling, and are they really doing good as they've said?  The truth of the matter is that sometimes even believers hide the truth from ourselves and others because we don't want to appear to be less spiritual and faithless.  When in fact life just has a way of hitting us so hard that our minds struggle to comprehend and analyze the whats and whys of life's events. There are many forums speaking about mental health and ways to address it, which is needed.  However, I would like to suggest that there is a percentage of people not fitting that category but who are however temporarily trying to adjust to the new changes in their life.  

Divorce, separations, unemployment, sickness, debt, legal issues are just a few of the many vicissitudes of life. The thought of "I can’t do this", is their reality.  Should we judge persons for thinking this way? Absolutely not.  This is where our love walk comes in to be the support and friend to help those who are going through the rough path of life.  The path though temporary has no definitive end date.  No one knows whether normalcy will begin again. For some people, this is hard to digest as they stay in a waiting mood without ever making an effort to create changes. 

The Gospel of St. John 5:1-15 tells of the event of Jesus healing the man at the pool.  The invalid man for thirty-eight years had been waiting for the supposedly supernatural stirring of the pool and for someone to assist him in getting in to get his healing.  Although his condition was visible his words however fully expressed the dissatisfaction and anguish he felt.  He was hopeless.  Today many people are like this man, some with hidden deficiencies waiting for changes and feelings of hopelessness.  

As members of the body of Christ we are not exempted from experiencing unpleasant circumstances.  Some people fare better than others which I believe is only by the grace of Almighty God.  Having gone through similar ourselves, we are better equipped with the help of the Holy Spirit to encourage and help others also.  Remember that a smiling face can be misrepresented as everything is going good, when in fact they are not.  We must all be honest with ourselves and with those we trust in getting help.  I believe that our Lord Jesus is meeting people right where they are today but we have to recognize Him and his ability to help us out of any situation we might be facing.  Also, while experiencing feelings of hopelessness, with love and support one can regain hope and healing.  


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Divine Love

 "Trust me with my love for you. For it is expressed in such a profound way for all to see. Open your hearts and receive my inexhaustible flow of love that overshadows your faults and fears. I am for you and not against you. Your heart is in my hand not to crush but to soothe and comfort you. Leave the past behind and embrace that which is nigh and before you. Receive my grace which will transpire your mind to behold the things of the spirit and you shall not desire the things of the flesh. A greater weight of glory has come upon you. Won't you receive it, won't you receive my love".

The Father's love for mankind is unconditional. His love digs deep into our very soul and being. The love of God is vital for us in order to rebound out of sin and deliver our lives from fears, disasters, death, sickness, etc. The love of God covers us like an eternal blanket. Lord teach us to love. Lord help us to believe that you the creator of the universe undeniably love us. God loves each and every one of us. He has sent his Son Jesus to give his life for us. Even as we await his appearance, I believe it is essential that we tell everyone that God loves them unconditionally. No matter what we have done the love of our Father is so much greater than our sins.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Knowing When To Say "No"

I've found that saying "no" is not always an easy thing to do but can be very liberating when we do say no.  Before you come to the conclusion that something or a decision is not the best thing for you, one grapples with the thought of disappointing others or second-guessing whether you're making the right and best decision.  Over the years I learned to follow my instincts in making sound judgments and not allow others to persuade me to change my mind in order to appease them.  When we voluntarily go against our better judgment for ourselves, we are often left feeling a sense of disgust and anger as we have to carry out or commit to something not desired.

Staying true to oneself and peace of heart requires that we take control of the narrative for our life and not allow others to pull the reins towards an undesired direction.  Saying "no" to the wrong person and wrong things are never a problem it's saying "no" to the ones we love that is.  Sometimes saying "no" will cause division between those we love and even question one's loyalty.  At the end of the day, everyone wants to feel free knowing that they have taken control of their mental health well-being and eliminated unwanted and unnecessary obligations that others seek to impose.  

The same can be said to saying "no"  to oneself when our mind tells us to give up on living because things are not working out and nobody understands.  Quit living. No one cares. There is an easy solution to solve this problem once and for all. I'm gonna check out.  None of these scenarios are to be taken casually as even the best of us are susceptible to giving into wrong thinking at times.  The accumulation of traumatic events and the pressures of life can take a toll on all of us.  Our minds and emotions betray us by painting pictures of such massive and insurmountable problems that cannot be solved.  It makes us feel so isolated and our problems so unique that even the best therapist and physician who've helped countless others are not able to help us.  That is not the truth, it's a big lie, and I'm not giving in to it.  These are the times we need not second guess whether saying "no" is an option.  Indeed saying "NO" to any and all forms of self-harm is the right answer.  Say "no" to all thoughts of suicide, despair, defeat, and deception.  We all have challenges at some point in our life. There is always someone or support we can turn to for help even anonymously.  

Begin to love your life and see the gift that you are.  You are important and of great worth.  Your smile is unique and beautiful.  Know when to say "no" and set boundaries in your life so that you will live a productive, stress-free, and happy life that takes you on the journey that has been paved just for you.  You are loved and will always be loved.

Sunday, November 22, 2020


Have your way with me

Have your way God, have your way
Have your way God, have your way
There’s no situation you cannot solve
There’s no problem that won’t be resolved

Have your way God in me, have your way
You are the Porter and I am the clay
Mold me and shape me as you will
Lord I surrender to do as you please

You're my desire, nothing else in this world can satisfy
I’ve searched everywhere and nothing I could find
But now I worship you, believing that you  still love me
So I pour out my life without shame, asking you God to use me

Have your way God in me, have your way
You are the Porter and I am the clay
Mold me and shape me as you will
Lord I surrender to do as you please

Have your way my Lord have your way (Repeat 3) Fill me and use me God. I give you all the glory.
Have your way (Repeat 3)
© Glendina Joseph November 23, 2020


You are GOD alone

You are GOD alone
You are here oh God, the God who supplies my every need
You are here oh God, in you I live and move and have my being
Oh how I love you, I really love you
Ohhh ohhh there is absolutely nothing you cannot do
You alone are God, You’re Almight God you are, oh
You are here to stay, to rule and reign throughout eternity
You are God alone, You are God alone faithful, almighty and true
You are God alone, Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
You are God alone
You are God alone
We praise you and worship you alone
Hallelujah (Repeat 5)
You are God alone
Hallelujah (Repeat 3)
You are God alone (Repeat 2)
You are here oh God, alone you are God alone
You are here to stay, to rule and reign throughout eternity
You are Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Yes you are, yes you are God alone)
Oh how I love you, There is no one like you. I really love you. There is non beside you. You are God alone.
You are GOD alone (Repeat 4)
Hallelujah (Repeat 2)
© Glendina Joseph April 2, 2020


Abiding in the Presence of the Lord
Lord where can I go from your presence
You're so good to me, where can I go from your presence.
For all that you've done for me (Where can I go from your presence)
You are my Righteousness, my very present Help (Where can I go from your presence)
Lord you are my Healer, healing every sickness and disease (Where can I go from your presence)
Lord you are my Provider, meeting every need (Where can I go from your presence)
Lord you are my Deliverer, taking out my enemies (Where can I go from your presence)
Lord you are my God, beside you there is no other (Where can I go from your presence)
Lord you are so good to me, each day mercies I receive (Where can I go from you presence)
You are so amazing God, I love you with my whole heart, where can I go from your presence.

Thank you God for your grace and mercies. You are good to me. I lost it today by crying because of distress. However, I know and believe that in you God I live and move and have my being. Thank you for your faithfulness, my faith and trust is in you alone. I surrender all to you. We all are in your hand. You are our Healer and Lord. We are as you said, blessed, set free, healed, and delivered. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and our lives are in your hands

Lord where can I go from your presence
You're so good to me, where can I go from your presence.
For all that you've done for me (Where can I go from your presence)
You are so amazing God, I love you with my whole heart, where can I go from your presence.
© Glendina Joseph August 8, 2019


I love You Lord
I love You Lord,
I lift my voice
I love You Lord,
I lift my voice
and praise your name

praise your name
praise your name

I love You Lord,
I lift my voice
I love You Lord,
I lift my voice
and praise your name

praise your name
praise your name

I love You Lord
I lift my voice and praise You.
© Glendina Joseph April 14, 2017


No limits
There is no limits, no limits in You,
Hallelujah (repeat)

There is no limits, no limits, no limits to what God can do
© Glendina Joseph April 14, 2017


It is to you I give the glory
It is to You I give the glory
Come Holy Spirit and fill this place
Release your fire, burn in me,
To do your will, to do your will

It is to You I give the glory
Let the seed of the oil be planted in me
Holy Spirit saturate and flow through me
To glorify your name, To glorify your name

It is to you I give the glory
Revive us oh God and release your Power
Deliver your people from all danger
We will worship You alone, we worship You alone

It is to you I give the glory
It is to you I give the glory
It is to you I give the glory and the praise
© Glendina Joseph December 11, 2017


Yes, I love You
You are worthy oh God
You are worthy to be praised
And I love You oh God,
How I love You, how I love You

You are worthy oh God
You are worthy to be praised
And I love You, oh God
How I love.

Yes I love You
Yes I love you,
Oh, yes

How I long for You,
You are all that that I need,
You’re my Saviour and King
How I long for You, yes I long for You

You are Holy oh God
You are Holy, full of glory
Yes I worship You, yes I worship You
Yes I do, Oh how I worship You
© Glendina Joseph Dec 11, 2017


Jesus, Light of the World
Jesus Light of the World
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Light of the World
Jesus, Jesus

You’re my lover, You’re my friend
You’re my everything,
You’re my healer, You’re my Sustainers
Light of the world, Jesus

Jesus, Light of the World
Jesus, Light of the World
Jesus, Jesus

You’re my Rock, You’re my Light
You’re my Lord
You’re my Redeemer, You are God
Light of the world, Jesus

Jesus, Light of the World
Jesus, Light of the World
Jesus, Jesus

Born in a manger, Who would have known
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
The Father’s Son, the Holy One
Jesus, Light of the world

Jesus, Light of the World, Light of the world (Repeat 3)
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
© Glendina Joseph December 11, 2017


So good
I worship You oh God,
I worship You oh God
For You are good, so good

I worship You my King
I worship You my King
For you are good, so good

I magnify your name
I magnify your name
For You are good, so good

So good, So good
So good, So good
So good, hallelujah
© Glendina Joseph December 11, 2017


It is to you I give the glory
It is to You I give the glory (Repeat 2)
It is to You I give the glory and the praise

Come holy Spirit and fill this place
Release your fire, burn in me,
To do your will, to do your will

It is to You I give the glory (Repeat 2)
It is to You I give the glory and the praise

Let the seed of the oil be planted in me
Holy Spirit saturate and flow through me
To glorify your name. To glorify your name

It is to You I give the glory (Repeat 2)
It is to You I give the glory and the praise

Revive us oh God and release your Power
Deliver your people from all danger
We will worship you alone, we worship you alone

It is to You I give the glory (Repeat 2)
It is to You I give the glory and the praise
© Glendina Joseph December 11, 2017  


Archives 2020

 Words of Encouragement

 May. 18, 2020

Perhaps you are wondering what it is that I’ve posted.  Well, my friend, these are some of the phrases/sayings that the Lord spoke to me in 2019-2020, recorded in my prayer journals.  Many of you have been faithful in doing the same I’m sure.  Earlier today during my time of worship, I heard the Spirit say, “release the saying”.  Well, I knew it could only mean one thing, and that was to share with you the same personal words that God spoke to me.  It’s also a reminder of his promises and our personal commitment to Him.  I have prayerfully selected some that I believe will speak life, peace, and healing to you.  These can also be used as prayer and song points as well.  Every word that God speaks is spirit and life.  I encourage you to also review your journals as well during this time of isolation.  You will be surprised by the many words waiting to be activated by your voice as well.

·         “Praise preludes victory.”

·         “Remain humble and walk in love.”

·         “Do not be distracted by other events or things.”

·         “Love me with your entire heart.”

·         “No more maybe, could be, but is.”

·         “God’s word is the absolute truth, guaranteed.”

·         “Prepare for advancement little one.”

·         “Don’t play the blame game.” 

·         “Soak in my presence day and night.”

·         “Leave the heavyweights aside.  Leave them for me and trust me for the matter   at hand.”

·         “Raise your level of expectation once again, for it shall be fulfilled in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, your change shall come.”

·         “Go the extra mile to do my will.  Look and observe by faith even the small things.”

·         “Do not worry or fret at how it looks for your change shall come.”

·         “Receive the peace I’ve given you.”

·         “Stop trying to work it out.  You can’t achieve it on your own.”

·         “Stir up your heart again to love and to forgive fiercely.”

·         “Curse not small beginnings or the hardship, for it is how you end the matters.”

·         “Prophecy, do not lie but deliver the truth.”

·         “Depend on the Spirit guidance and truth.”

·         “Let me guard your heart and transform your mind.”

·         “Position yourself in prayer.”

·         “Again I say “Trust”, stand firm on my word of truth.”

·         “Nothing takes Me by surprise.”

·         “In love, serve one another.”

·         “Pray, fast, sing, dance, and rejoice.”

·         “Trust me with my will for your life.”

·         “I bless you and comfort you.”

·         “Do not compare yourself to others.”

·         “You’ve endured when others have given up.” 

·         “Obedience is the key.”

·         “I’ve not changed my mind concerning you one bit.”

·         “Trust me to open unto you understanding of deep things.”

·         “Circumstances are fleeting and can go from bad to worse, but with your focus on me your perspective will shift and change for the better.”

·         “Trust me to carry the loads that have laden you down.”

·         “Slander destroys the heart and robs you of peace.”

·         “Survive you will, as you must for I’ve chosen and called you to do great   things.”

·         “Absolutely nothing is impossible with Me my child.”

·         “Leave the past behind and the pain of yesterday.”

·         “Sing with all your heart and rest in my peace.”

·         “Believe you me that I will never leave you comfortless or alone.”

·         “You are free.  Laugh and rejoice with the lifting of your hands.”

·         “Speak my Name and the authority of my Name will open gates.”

·         “My Name carries weights that scales cannot hold.”

·         “The power of peace is great and life-transforming.”

·         “Know for sure you arise from obscurity and pain.”

·         “Cast your cares on me and I will answer your prayers of faith and not fears.  There is no reason to fear for I am here with you.”

·         “I care for you.”

·         “Your watchword is forward.”

·         “The hurts you’ve bared were great, but I’ve healed you and set you free.”

·         “Believe and trust me, your Father and your GOD.”

 And Jesus answering saith unto them, "Have faith in God" Mark 11:22

May. 26, 2020

The Enemy Within

Murder, Racism, Human Trafficking, Abortion, and the likes are all the workings of demonic influence carried out by men and women around the world.  It is no surprise, how almost every day we are seeing news updates of the carnage taking place in our communities.  As I sat and watched the news report tonight of the awful event that took place in Minnesota it really disturbed me.  The shock waves were felt all the way here in the Bahamas. While I grapple for answers, I heard in my spirit that the fight is against evil spirits and not against flesh and blood.  These beings have comfortably taken up residence in some people and have filled them with so much rage, hate, and toxic venom.  They are totally removed from a state of sensibility, morality, and empathy, that they inflict their evil desires. 

We have grown to almost expect to see the hands of evil perpetrated on certain groups of people (mostly Blacks) and others, unable to defend themselves. No wonder the earth is groaning, by now it has had its fill of bloodshed.  How do we tackle these issues?  How do we take a stand against injustices, inequality, and the systemic systems that have been established to aid criminals and instruments (laws) and yet punish the innocent and disenfranchised.  It takes the Body of Christ, the Believers to, first of all, recognize that we’re dealing with spiritual issues that have manifested in the earth realm.  There needs to be unity in the Body of Christ condemning all acts of evil.  Amos 3:3 says, “How can two walk together unless they agree.”  Regardless of one’s denomination, the church has to display a unified front, while addressing these issues.  There is too much division on the church front, which itself is a result of demonic infiltration.  If we preach the same Gospel of Jesus Christ, then how is it that some folks are silent or afraid to address and stand up against the evil events in our society and the world at large?  There is no such thing as being politically correct when you’re a Believer.  We gave up rights to our voices, when we said, “Yes Lord”.  We are the voices for the voiceless, and God’s hands and feet in the earth shining his light in dark places.

The aggressive influx of violence and types of violence cannot be approached or resolved by using old remedies.  Isaiah 58:6 reads, Is not this the fast that I have chosen?  To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free and that ye break every yolk?  It is obvious that both the victims and perpetrators need deliverance from the clutches of demonic oppression. Through unity, prayer, fasting along with the power of the Holy Spirit is what’s needed.  Too often we have looked at a problem brewing for so long until we almost convince ourselves that it will never change.  That, there is no solution.  Yes, it has been a while, a long time actually, but we are in a time now that we can say this is time for things to shift radically on our behalf.   Covid-19 is an example of a never before incident that has the whole world in an uproar.  There is a phrase we use, that the heat gets turned up when something is about to dramatically change or break.  With so many incidences of injustices occurring, it is obvious that the enemy is losing his grip and has gone in overdrive mode trying to regain control.  But the devil is a liar, and I declare that his grip is destroyed indefinitely from God’s children in Jesus Name.  

It is time for Churches to reorganize, evaluate, repent, and become the powerhouse it’s called to be.  The Kingdom of God must be in demonstration.  Psalm 78:37 declares, “For their hearts was not right with him, neither were they steadfast in his covenant.”  Men and women’s hearts are polluted with hatred for God and fellow man.  Others have become disillusioned to being superior over another no matter the cost and have used religion and Christianity to justify their beliefs.  1 John 3:8 reads, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil.  Father God, set Believers who are filled with the power of God to be strategically positioned in key areas of decision making within government, government agencies, and the Courts.  Let’s face it, most laws are written intentionally with loopholes by unjust men and women.   Clauses are craftily worded that cleaver lawyers representing the guilty accuser can get them off with a non-guilty verdict.  In spite of having all the evidence available, justice is denied.  This is a grave injustice.  Where is the accountability?  There has to be a demand and an over flood of petitions and accountability from the Believers as well as the wider community.  I would remind you that to fight the devil using violence, only gives him more fuel to fight back.  We have to take the fight to higher grounds, being wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.   Wisdom is necessary as Christ works through us. 

It is time for the Church to leave the four walls and take the methods, teachings, and impartation learned outside.  Spread the gospel with the demonstration of the power of God without hiding anymore.  Open up the airwaves and proclaim it’s a release of the prisoners.  March through the streets and destroy those Jericho walls.  Appoint righteous judges, magistrates, leaders with the heart for the people who will rule righteously like Debra, Samuel, and Moses.  Release prayers that break, renounce, and destroy demonic influences over people and places.  The police force, courts, government, medical facilities, neighborhoods, sanctuaries, etc.  Educate; educate your children, parishioners, family, the community, and yourself on the real meaning of loving your neighbor as yourself.  All of us can use a refresher course from the Word of God.  Provide safe places to address the conversation on race relations.  The act of racism and inequality is shameful and needs to be addressed in order for healing to take place. That the Church can no longer remain silent, in an attempt to not offend some while others in the same body are dying right under its watch.   I believe folks won’t be offended because they are waiting for you, the Leader, to address the matter head-on without shying away from the truth.  In this new era let us not repeat the same mistakes of the past.   

Revelation 22:12 reads “Behold, I am coming quickly!  I bring my reward with me to repay everyone according to their works.


Jun. 15, 2020

What's In Your House?

"But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor, and some to dishonor." 2 Timothy 2:20

"What's in your house"? Most of you will say, there are furniture, cabinetry, decorations, electronics, personal items, etc. Yes, you are right.  Tonight with the help of the Holy Spirit, I would like to review the aspect of the contents of our houses where we live as well as our physical bodies.  In the book of Judges Chapter 17, there is an account of a man by the name of Micah and a Levite who sought lodging at his house. Micah was a religious man who did what was right in his own eyes. He had an awareness of God but practiced idolatry. In extension, he also initiated his sons into the same practice that his mother taught him. Micah did not break the cycle but instead ensured that the next generation would continue the legacy. He also brought items used by the priest and had them set up in his house. 

Isn't it strange how these same practices are carried out today in 2020? Some people have an appearance of holiness and righteousness. They go to church, preach, serve on various boards, wear crosses, and carry Bibles but behind closed doors, they are teaching their children another gospel, another bible, another god, another doctrine. Everything contrary to the word of God is being upheld and honored. We wonder why we see such deterioration in our society. The break down started in the home and spilled out into the streets. Micah stole from his mother and she released word curses. I believe we are cursing the next generation if we continue to perpetuate the sins and wrongdoings of our forefathers and mothers. One cannot continue to live in denial day after day, year after year, and not come to the realization that there needs to be a change within.  

Believers in the Body of Christ have a responsibility to disseminate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action. We are called to be witnesses of the truth that we serve a Risen Savior and his Name is Jesus Christ. No longer can we aimlessly, ignorantly be like the Levite who chose to settle for the crumbs of luxury instead of telling Micah the truth, that what he was doing wrong and dishonored God. God is calling his Church to be set apart and not to conform to the trends and cultures of the world. Are you a vessel of honor or dishonor? If you are a vessel of honor you would not compromise nor allow the Micah's in your church, community, and home to bribe you.  Or insist that you preach a watered-down gospel that would not rebuke and bring deliverance. Your silent, voiceless presence in Micah's life is only to justify their behavior as being acceptable and their life blessed.  Sir, madam both you and I have the responsibility to proclaim the word of God with boldness and unashamed, regardless of who is before us.

Choose whom you will serve. Either serve God or mammon. We are in a critical time of history, no one knows the day or the hour when our Lord will return. It is time for the Levites, the Priest, the Prophets, the Preachers, those who are the called out to blow the trumpet and call out sin, unrighteous, iniquity, and all wrongdoings. Seek direction from the Holy Spirit before you step into a Church to preach, perform, or minister. What is the foundation of the house? Is it founded on the Word of God? It is taught? Is God's presence there or is it a shrine for demons. You will know them by their fruits. What actions are demonstrated by their sons and daughters? Remember, children often emulate the actions of their parents, whether good or bad. That goes for natural and spiritual children. It is time for a transition from darkness to light.

Again, I ask the question, "what's in your house"? It is time to do some serious house cleaning, purging, and fumigating to get the unclean things out of our souls, minds, bodies, homes, and places of worship. We must be intentional in admitting we've got sin, iniquity, and idols. Diligently seek the face of God. We have to recognize evil, confess it, repent, and destroy the unclean things from within and among us. If we don't deal with the problems at hand, we will continue to experience hell on earth.  

Prayer:  Father God in the name of your Son Jesus, I thank you for your word of correction and the grace to post what You have shared. You know our hearts, seen our tears, and heard our cry for change, in our lives and in the lives of others. We pray to You, as you alone are able to make us see all the wrongs we've done in your Name. Please forgive us for not being true to the calling in doing your will and living the life that pleases you. We repent for nor standing up for righteousness and calling out sin. We repent for lusting after the things of the world, craving for material things and the acceptance of man. You call us to holiness and righteousness as you are holy and we are to shed light in every dark place and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with power to the world. I break every muzzle from the mouths of every Preacher, Minister, and Believer that they will declare your Word with boldness and the power of the Holy Spirit. I break, destroy, and release our sons and daughters from generational curses. I call them into the Kingdom of God to serve you the One True Living God. Also, set them free from bondage and demonic entrapment intended to derail their purpose and destiny in you.  That they will love you with their whole heart and teach their children to do the same. Father, we renounce, repent, and destroy all forms of idolatry in our lives, our homes, and churches. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit consume every accursed thing out of us and we set to fire objects in our possessions. We know that we have wronged you Father and our brothers and sisters. Please forgive us and help us to live our lives according to your Word. Bless us, Lord, with the rain of restoration and revival, that we become the people that You would be proud to call your own. I love you, honor you, and thank you Father God in Jesus' Name. Amen


 Jul. 7, 2020

Waves of Love

What the world needs now is love, sweet love

It's the only thing that there's just too little of.....

The songwriters Burt F. Bacharach and Hal David were absolutely correct as they penned the words to this song in 1965.  This saying was true then and is the same today in 2020.  Very little has changed in the aspect that love is a universal, powerful tool that can heal and end all conflicts.  Decades have come and gone and we are still trying to change things in our society and the nations at large.  Where there are people, there will always be conflict.  However, this saying can be changed to read that where there are people love abounds. What is the message that I am trying to convey?  It’s simply this, that we love our neighbor as yourself.  That we respect another person’s view, beliefs and disposition.  That we fear not to walk in love and to be loved.  That we change the landscape of our hearts and our society, neighborhoods and the nations.  That we purposely lay the foundation of loving others.  (Photo: My Me)

The idea of purposely loving people different from us has been thrown out to the wind.  Some people might say it is a mystical, fairytale idea that will never materialize in our lifetime.  Well, you might be right in believing that way or I might be right in believing that dreams do come true.  The mystery of this word has been foretold for years as the antidote for social ills.  However, one must admit that at times we’re not the best judge in even judging oneself in regards to the issues and contents of the hearts.  Jeremiah 17:9 declares that "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Buried within our hearts are various vices and hidden agendas.  Our heart speaks to us in ways that can trip us up at times.  Our heartbeats to another rhythm when it’s not totally surrendered to God.  At times a fire can be felt burning that can cause one to explode emotionally without warning.  The only thing that can calm, melt, transform, reveal the true heart is love. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (MSG) Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut, Doesn't have a swelled head,  Doesn't force itself on others, Isn't always "me first," Doesn't fly off the handle, Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,  Doesn't revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,  Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.  Love never dies.

Endless love, continuous love, waves of love flowing from one person to another, what a power source.  This type of power shall debilitate and destroy all evil intentions and acts of violence.  This type of power also heals and frees the one who chooses to love again.  I am not saying that this is easy, it’s far from it; however, it takes determination and a personal resolve to have a change of heart and to be different.  Neither am I saying to ignore the hurts and brokenness you’ve experienced, but to determine not to allow circumstances and events to keep you in the place of woundedness.  I choose to love again, fiercely and unashamed.  Let go of the wrong that was done. The rhythm of love is vibrant and strong.  God wants us to love as He is love.

Love heals the broken-hearted and causes us to laugh again.  Love springs hope within and inspire us to achieve our goals.  Love creates sparks in our eyes as we fall in love with our significant other.  Love is added to the recipe in preparing meals and caring for the sick.  Love causes us to consider the poor and provide for them.  Love causes us to believe for the return of a lost loved one. Love removes the mask of pretence and causes us to be transparent.  Love stands up for the truth not fearing opposition.  Love never fails.  Love conquers all demonic systems.  Love shines brightly, eliminating the darkness.  Love enables us to stand with others in their time of need while we too are going through a crisis.  It causes us to put the guns down, speak the truth, and not abuse others.  Love is the benchmark of perfection. Our Father God approves of it and we should too.  Let’s do our part in making this world a better place.  You and I right where we’re at in our homes and community extending love to others we encounter daily.  One person can make a difference to start the ripple effects that will eventually surge into rolling waves of love that will cover the world. I have faith and I believe that with God this is possible.  What about you?


Jul. 9, 2020

Troubles Don't Last Always

Deep disturbing, heart-pounding situations that inflict distress within and confusion without is my definition of trouble.  Everyone in his or her life has been in a troubled state.  At times it seems as fast as one situation ends another one begins.  Being in a distressful situation can feel like the end of the world.  It becomes very difficult to navigate through the maze of confusing thoughts, clouded judgments, and loneliness.  Too often we discredit ourselves, counting ourselves out and quitting before the change and turn of events.  The truth is we must acknowledge that troubles don’t last always.  It comes and goes.  It appears for the duration of time and without notice loses its stronghold when we least expect it to ends. Psalm 34:19(NIV) reads “The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.”  The Lord knows how much we can bear.  He knows we are weak without him.  He knows our frame and being our Creator, He will not allow any troubling circumstance to overcome us. 

Troubles are either self-imposed or inflicted by opposition whether people or evil spirits.  Our cry should always be in the day of trouble is, “Lord help me”, “Lord deliver me”, “Lord save me”.  He wants to hear our cry for help as we acknowledge our inability to take on any matter whether great or small.  Our God supplies us with wisdom to make the right decisions and enables us to persevere and endure under pressure.  As our world is facing troubles all around, one cannot give up hope in seeing change and breakthroughs.  Some might say it’s the end of the world, but I call it a brand new beginning of something better.  To view things from a negative outlook creates fear and terror, however, when viewed through the lens of faith one can believe for a peaceable resolve and creative outcome.

As seeds are planted in the soil, they erupt by distress through germination.  The environment it is planted in is dark, wet, and uncertain.  Uncertain whether the sun would reach it or whether an animal would devour it or whether it would have enough soil to grow.  Over time roots shoot out and it begins to sprout.  Shortly after, it takes on an entirely different form and becomes a tender plant then grows into a tree-bearing fruits.  As you go through your time of trouble, know that in the end, you shall bear fruits.  Fruits of faith, fruits of love, fruits of patience, fruits of the Spirit.  Fruits that will continue season after season regardless of the distress, hurt, grief, losses, and disappointments.  You shall not remain in that state of hopelessness forever, for troubles don’t last always.  So today, lift up your eyes to the LORD your Helper.  Declare out loud that your change has come. My new day has arrived and I am walking in my breakthrough and reaping the harvest God has promised me.  I refuse to allow any trouble to weigh me down or disturb my peace.

The truth of the matter is that Jesus has given us the victory over every situation.  Those who know the power of prayer are to pray for the weak and those away from God, so that they would not be engulfed by the troubles they’re facing, nor commit suicide.  May the peace of God be with you.  Look back over your life and recall the many situations God has brought you through.  As He did for you then, surely He will do the same for you again because He loves you.

  Aug. 25, 2020

Moving On For The Better

Whoever, whatever, you put your trust, confidence, or reliance in other than GOD will let you down (Psalm 118:8).  As much as we hate to admit, these last 5 months have shown us that we are in a crisis situation.  I suspect that many people are in a quandary, trying to figure out what to do and at the same time disappointed at the turn of events.  Disappointments are high as those to whom you’ve looked to for help or perhaps expected their involvement never came through. Too, you’re asking yourself the question, “Why do I feel as though I’m alone or no one seems to care about my plight when I’ve been faithful to others? (Psalm 42:11)” Giving up much of yourself over the years in helping others through their crisis and now you’re feeling all alone.  Well my brothers and sisters it’s a hard lesson to learn, however, we must come to this crossroad at some point in our life when we put our entire confidence in GOD alone (Psalm 20:7). 

We all have shortcomings and selective memory of people and the roles they have played in our life.  That job that you so diligently labored at, putting in some 40+ hours weekly (1 Thessalonians 4:11), has abruptly closed sending you home.  In most cases, your job and your post you held in high esteem will be no more at that establishment.  Your relationships there have ceased.   The love has gone cold between yourself, your former employer, and other employees.  It is hard to comprehend how in such short a time you all have become strangers, as each one is looking out for his or her own interests (Psalm 41:9).  True friends, you believed they were to you, certainly much more than colleagues you imagined; after all, you shared some many things in common working closely every day. Loyalty no longer recalled to mind, just one who simply passed by. Many persons are feeling confused about the disconnect, pretending that you don’t care.  Grief follows separation from what once was and is no longer.  Let me admonish you to release the hurt and anger that will try to hold you down and choke you.  You shall live and not die to declare the works of the Lord.  (Psalm 118:17).  This situation as mean as it is, is not meant to kill you but that your perspective and reliance be on the Lord your God alone going forward.  It is He who provides for you.  It all belongs to Him (Psalm 24:1).  Those relationships were meant for you to show the glory of God and you did so with integrity and love.

It is indeed time to move on as God has something better for you (Jeremiah 29:11).  Your time was not wasted being in that place with those people.  Yes, the outcome of being displaced due to the pandemic is disappointing but you finally have a chance to get some needed rest and by faith walk into new territories.  Dreams do come true and God's plans for you are waiting for your participation. Use the time wisely to refresh and prepare yourself in every area.  Also, take advantage of free online courses and recommit to studying the word of God.  The book of Proverbs is an excellent source of God's wisdom (Proverbs 8:14). Just remember that you are valued and will be valued where He sends you next. 


The Lord's Temple

Nov. 23, 2020

Haggai 1:2  “Thus speaks the Lord of hosts, saying: ‘This people says, “The time has not come, the time that the Lord’s house should be built.”

Nothing has changed from the time when the Lord spoke these words to Haggai the Prophet and Zerubbabel governor of Judah concern the people’s response.  The people saw the state of repair of the LORD’s house that needed to be carried out, but instead ignored and continued with their own affairs.  Although their lives seemed to be going on as normal, things were far from perfect.  They were experiencing drought all around, due to lack of rainfall and dew.  They, along with their crops, lands, and cattle were not producing as they should have because God withheld their increase.  Nothing they did prosper because they intentionally neglected God’s sanctuary.  Their focus was on themselves.  Neither were they in complete dedication to the Lord in seeking Him for if they were, the rebuilding of the House of the Lord would have been a priority. (Photo: Pinterest)

What is my priority?  Am I fixated on myself, pleasures, money, a title, clothes, and the luxuries of life?  Have I assessed the reality?  Am I prospering or failing?

1 Corinthians 6:19 says that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Have I neglected to present my body in absolute surrender to God for his use?  Have I allowed time to go by only focusing on temporal things that will vanish away?  Are my ways pleasing to God?  Could it be that the Lord has allowed things not to flourish because we have hardened our hearts and not followed his direction for our life?  God required holiness and obedience from his children.  He wants us to be rooted and grounded in him and not driven by the desires of the world.  Perhaps it’s about time for self-evaluation, to truthfully consider the condition of our hearts.  Am I living a holy, consecrated life unto the Lord?

Oftentimes it’s difficult to evaluate if the effort we are putting into restructuring ourselves is working.  It is best to put effort into working on oneself, such as daily Bible study, praying, fasting, Christian fellowship, walking by faith, fostering a love relationship with our God and with our brothers and sisters.  As we put in the effort, God works within us preparing us into the image of his Son Jesus.  My brothers and sisters, we are the Lord’s house, the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  I believe that it is a good time to be built up, restored, and rededicated unto the Lord our God. He is calling us to sacred intimacy and will not share us with another.  He has already extended his mercy to us as we’ve all ventured to do all that we desired some things good and some things bad, yet He kept us alive.  Many times, we deliberately ignored the Holy Spirit’s voice speaking to us. I admonish you to honestly review the condition of your heart and the lifestyle you’re living.  Do not delay your response to the Lord’s request for absolute surrender.   We can truthfully say that tomorrow is not guaranteed to manifest.  Jesus is waiting to hear your answer. 

It is a beautiful thing to be in a relationship with the Lord our God. Holy Spirit comes and lives within us filling us with the love of God.  The joy and peace that you will experience are pure.  One can get tired of wondering, searching trying to find happiness, rest, and the answers to life questions in the world.  The search leaves you broken, torn, depleted in spirit, soul, and body.  Obviously, it’s not found in relationships, places, or things no matter how hard we search or pay for it.  Jesus is the only answer – the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Surrender your life and let Him make something beautiful out of it for his glory.


Launch Pads

Do not lose your flair or zeal for the things of God.  Be persistent in sharing by my grace the good news of Jesus Christ the Messiah and Resurrected One who lives forevermore.  Count not on people you know to support you.  Look not to cast actors to like you.  You have been given the mandate to share the good news. Yes, the good news that saves the souls and hearts of my people.  Trust not in your own instincts or understandings.  Level off in faith in me and do not change your outlook of grace in God and in Christ Jesus.  The Holy Spirit is with you.  You are uniquely handpicked to do my will on the earth.  Your gifting is unique and yes unusual. Have not I said both will be of you and nothing to compare to it. 

See I do a new thing and it springs forth.  Mind not the critics or naysayers.  I’ve said what I will do and who can disannul it. No one can even stop it, but my child trust me and move, walk by faith for the culture is changing and is in a shift.  Everything is losing its footing and stronghold.  The strongholds of yesteryear are no more.  The reference points will totally be gone for I do a new thing.  Can’t you see it, can’t you perceive it?  Step forth, gird up your mind in faith, and trust me to complete that I’ve started.  In fact, it is complete according to my will on earth as it is in heaven.  Heaven is watching, creation is watching and waiting for the sons to appear.  The sons and daughters of mine were once hidden in caves.  Some are not named yet.  Others are perceived as odds and misfits.  These have carried my voice in their hearts and have not lusted after physical things.  Things that are of no profit.  Things that promote self.  Things that perpetrate lies and hurts of my people.  I will use them, the ones that can’t be seen not doing my will.  I’ve reached in and grabbed them from the places of despair and healed them of hurts and wounds.  In fact, the places that hurt and had wounded them have now become their launchpad to do my will.  They have become sharpshooters and passed the litmus test of time.  They have proven that their experiences have not turned their hearts bitter towards me.  And that they are ready to go into spheres to confront and dismantle and to bring changes into that realm of influence to do what I want them to do.  They will not be trigger happy but will obey my will in carrying out my word.  The skills of man will not do.  The charisma and performances will not do.  But by the might and the leading of my Spirit to break through the chains of discord that have wrapped my people from my freedom.  The levees are breaking.  The subtle layers of demonic oppression are breaking.  The seas and rivers are beginning to flow and arise to the levels I intended them to be. 

Come on Elijah’s.  Come on Joshua’s.  Come on Simon.  Come on Esther.  Think not how it’s going to get done for I do a new thing with you, my sons and daughters.  Character must be intact.  No more lying, cheating, stealing, dishonoring me.  I am the Godhead in you mighty.  Don’t you know it?  I will perform in you and through you.  Let no corrupt communication spew out of your mouth but the water of my word to refresh, restore, and healing of my people.  You are my sword in the earth to bring justice.  Align with me as I’ve aligned with you to do my will.

Praise GOD. I don't know who this is for as I've been trying to post this word from this morning before we had an islandwide power outage which lasted for 7 hours today.

I received this word which was in relation to the dream I had this morning. As well as these three phrases (1) LaunchPad, (2) Shooter from the LaunchPad, and (3) Litmus Test.

The dream is as follows: The streets and buildings were empty except for three teen boys throwing rocks through a storefront window and running away.  I was on the top floor looking down however at the same time I was looking at a reflection of the building and the activities. The building had about 10 floors.  The entire building was unoccupied except for the top floor. I was occupying office space there along with another man. There were no walls or doors to distinguish where each office – business was situated.  Just windows but we knew where our space was. As we were both looking out over the horizon, there suddenly appeared a man driving a 1967-1969 light blue Plymouth model car.  (Please forgive me for not disclosing names) The man driving is a well-known and respected Prophet of God.  I was excited to see him.  However, the other man did not know him. He was younger and was not familiar with the Prophet, so I began telling him of others he might know who also teach and minister prophetically. Still, he claimed that he did not know them which I found strange as they are all fathers and mothers in ministry. Everything was new to him.  After a brief conversation, the Prophet drove off a few feet away looking for an ideal spot to park.  Then he shouted to us joyfully, “I’m going to take this space right here”.  So all three of us were located on the top floor but occupying different office spaces.

I believe that this word is to encourage the Body of Christ.  God is not through with us as some may suggest.  In spite of what is going on around us in the world today with the COVID-19, distress, persecution, and turmoil God is up to something great.  We might not understand the moving of the Spirit but we can yield to his will.  Let not your heart be troubled.  Say what God says and do what he tells you to do.

(I would be glad to hear your interpretation of this dream as well).

Father in Heaven, I agree with your word today for the changes and shifts.  Thank you for bridging the gap between fathers and sons, and the emerging generations for your work on the earth.  As we partner with you and one another help us to honor each other and make room for the new thing which shall spring forth suddenly.  Father God, teach us to work in unity as the Body of Christ in faith and perfect love, respecting each other’s gifting.  Holy Spirit, lead us and guide us as we’re totally dependent on you.  Thank you, Father, for the merging of the seers and prophets, the young and the old, males and females.  As we receive our new assignments and launch pads give us a new lens and clarity of insight that will enable us to peer precisely through every wall, door, horizons, and the hidden agenda of the enemy.  It’s in the authority and power of your Son Jesus Christ that we take our position and align with you to do your will, in Jesus Name. Amen



The All Powerful GOD

 Date: August 25, 2020

As I was before the Lord this morning in prayer and journaling, expressing my gratitude for his faithfulness in taking my father to be with him a year ago today, I heard in my spirit the words of the song “Trust Me” by the late Mr. Richard Smallwood.  The verse that kept repeating was “If you would only trust me.  I have all power and I will deliver.  I am that I am.  If you would only trust me.”    I would like to share with you the download received at that time also.  My prayer is that you are encouraged, strengthened, and allow the will of God to be carried out in your life and in the lives of your loved ones. 

Listen, my grace is upon you and is sufficient to sustain you and guide you through life.  The hardship was to prepare you and to provide every need to withstand the opposing powers.  My grace is indeed sufficient.  Walk in the grace strength I give you to complete the race set before you.  Your outcome is for good and not evil.  I cast out the evil one before you and he cannot repeat the same tactics.  I have launched you into deep places in me to remain.  The task at hand is great and it cannot be fulfilled in your strength alone, but by my grace and power.  I’ve preserved you for the preaching of my word to proclaim my will and power in the earth.  Man has laid down their guard of defense and moved away from my ways, but I have advanced my little ones as spokesman, spokespersons to peacefully fulfill my will in the earth.  The peace that I give is a powerful grace and abiding of my presence upon them for preaching of my gospel with miracle-working powers and supernatural abilities to follow after them in my name alone.  Only in My Name will it be profound.

I have seen the oppression and it is great.  My little ones are faint, discouraged, and weary.  I’ve set aside people with my calling to infiltrate all areas of offense and to bring my people out of despair.  Church will not be the church as usual.  The congregants have gathered in their own houses to call upon my name.  Some I know and some I don’t know, though they call on my name.  The time is set for the true worshipers to arise and to attest to the fact that I am alive and I am well.  That I am here and my life matters to those who will hear and receive me in their hearts.  I have seen the cultures, looked into, and deemed most unsafe for the practices they perform, but my people are in a culture of grace and peace to know me the Living God and to serve me the Almighty One, who is faithful and true.  I live in the past, present, and future and nothing is new to me, but I am new to those who don’t know me yet but will know me and love me and serve me with their whole heart.  I have designed you to outskirt the borders of despair and not to stay there but to move from the place of past defeats, disappointments, grievances and move into a land of plenty to behold my glory and provision, to occupy where the resistance uphold. 

Cast down thoughts of disgrace and despair.  Cast down lies and pretense and embrace who I have said you are and come follow me.  No man is larger than me.  No personality is larger than me.  No other name is larger than mine.  Won’t you just trust me?  No more looking without, touching superficial surfaces, for I am the Lord touched by the feelings of your infirmities and showing compassion.  You are my priests and kings.  My little ones, I’ve brought you through the fiery trials of life to preserve and prepare you for this moment in time.  No one knows my plan for you, but I do, as I’ve prepared great and marvelous things for you to behold. Move by faith and a willing heart to do my will and not your own plans.  Delusions of self-grandeur are a no, no more.  From now on it’s about me.  My will.  My way.  My acts of love and kindness.  My persisting you forgive and forgiving.  Letting go of the past hurts and mistakes and embracing the new day.  Ask anything according to my will as you remain in me and you shall have it.  Ask and you shall have it.  Ask for what you’ve not asked before in the heights and in the depths and you shall have it.  For I know now your will is locked in mine.

Supportive Scripture References as follows:

Isaiah 40:29 NIV He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”

1 Timothy 4 KJV Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

John 14:27 NIV Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Exodus 3:7 CSB Then the Lord said, “I have observed the misery of my people in Egypt, and have heard them crying out because of their oppressors. I know about their sufferings.

Matthew 7:23 NKJV And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

John 4:23 KJV But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

Jeremiah 10:10 NIV But the LORD is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King.

Deuteronomy 1:8 NIV See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land the LORD swore he would give to your fathers.

2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Revelation 1:6 KJV And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father;

Romans 12:2 KJV- And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 KLV- For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Exodus 20:3 KJV: Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Matthew 5:23-24 NIV “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.

Luke 1:37 KJV For with God nothing shall be impossible.

1 John 5:14-15 NIV This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

John 14:13-14 NIV And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

Psalm 2:8 TPT Ask me to give you the nations and I will do it.






Remaining Hopeful

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about plans for this new year.  Some people are in gear and ready to get what they aspire to achieve as earl...