Friday, February 14, 2020



 God wants us to simply trust Him.  Why do we have a hard time just doing that?  Simply trusting the One who loves us more than anyone else.  The only One who has proven how much He really loves us.

I’ve gathered it to this one thing that is required of me, and that is to see the blessing of being alive and to undeniably depend on God.  Not only is He my Creator but my Father as well. 

So I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that my life is in his hands and that my life is going at the right pace.  I will get to where he is taking me and I shall do all God has called me to do 100% guaranteed. I am simply trusting God. 


A Personal Word

God wants you to be encouraged and at the same time fully put your trust in Him.  He is undeniably the best thing that has happened to me.  Life has its ups and down and uncertainties.  However, we can be confident that we have hope and faith that is anchored in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Take time to pray. Take time to read the scriptures and other printed and online materials that are inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Attend a Bible-based Church where the word of God is taught. Take time out from your busy schedule and stow away to a place of solitude and just listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit.  Help is on the way.  God will give you the answers and He will see you through no matter how it looks. 

I am still learning what it means to trust God.  I guess sometimes we think we have it all figured out until we’re faced with a situation that we can’t see our way out.  During the last eight months, I’ve seen the hand of God carry me through as I had to leave a new job to accompany my father overseas for medical attention where he eventually passed away.  Concern for my mom, who too became sick after getting the news of her husband’s death.  (They were married for 49 years). Whether I made the right decisions for the medical procedures & treatments. I promised my mom to bring my dad back home well but instead, I brought his cremains.  Sleeplessness nights and pain. Disappointments and unemployment.  At times I felt as though I was losing my mind but God kept me.  He continued giving me songs to sing from early morning and at times throughout the night.  I would sing and listen and pray until I finally understood that He was with me all along in the journey.  He freed and healed my heart, body, and my mind from the weight and effects of the trauma.  I see things totally differently now.  Regardless of whom you are or where you are in life God cares for you.  Believe that He is real and get to know him in your own special way. 

He answered my prayer that I had been praying for my father’s salvation for a long time. It certainly did not happen the way I would have preferred but our lives are in God’s hands.  Before daddy passed away he surrendered his life to the Lord.  We must believe that good always comes out of a bad situation.  I encourage you to keep praying and believing that God will make a way for you and those you pray for.  Don’t give up. Don’t throw in the towel.  Don’t stop doing what is good and right.  Keep believing that changes will come and that you will laugh again. Keep your heart clean and simply trust Him.

I received instructions from the Lord to share with you some of what we talked about during our times of prayer and reflection that I wrote in my journals.  Releasing this information at the right time was important for me, in that those who will read and share would take the initiative to make prayer a priority.   You’re not in a race with anyone to see who can pray the best or the most eloquent.  Remember you’re praying to the Father, your Father in Heaven and you are His beloved child.  He is waiting to talk with you.


Prophetic Word

Be still and know that I am LORD.  Have confidence and hope believing that I AM with you and shall come through as I’ve promised you.  Your calling is to do my will for you are handpicked.  No one can take you out of my hand, nor disengage you from my work.  I have accomplished it is righteousness.  Your enemy shall utterly fall and be no me forever.  Haven’t I said it and won’t I do it the same.  See there is a difference between you and them.  I’ve called you out and set you aside for my will.  Your light shall shine brightly.  Fear not.  Be not afraid of him that pursues, for I am with you all along and I keep you in my hands.  Stretch forth in faith by my grace which you have received.  You’ve been set apart, my wonder in the earth.  As I was with Moses so I am with you.  Do not murmur, do not complain.  My wonders will be worked through you, my child.


Prayers of Victory #1

Great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see.  All I have needed thy hands have provided. Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me. There is a change in the atmosphere. Change for prosperity and breaking of chains.  The enemy can no longer hold me down.  Liberty has come to God’s people. Jesus according to Luke 10:19, You have given your authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm me.  I am triumphing over circumstances and all evil forces.  Lord Jesus break open the prison gates and deliver your children. Lord hear my cry and I will obey you.  I will praise you and not turn back. Help me to understand who you’ve called me to be and to walk in the spirit.  The assignment is great and the vision is now revealed.   Use me, Lord, according to your will.  Amen


Prayers of Victory #2

I will wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He shall direct my path. I know that the steady hand of the Lord upholds me.  You have designed me to overcome every battle, soar to insurmountable heights, and gain insight beyond this region. Lord, I am accountable to you and I offer you my best sacrifice.  I cast off all weights, loads, burdens on the Lord Jesus Christ.  I resist the urge to hold bitterness in my heart.  You have given me the crown of glory and I am grateful that Jesus has given me his authority.  I claim my inheritance in this life and in the next.  I overcome evil with good and know that the glory is upon me. Thoughts of wickedness shall not reign in my mind and heart.  I believe in the truth, the promises of God, and not the lies of the evil one.  Lord, you have told me to resist the devil and he shall flee.  Lord, I speak life and favor over my life for all things are possible with you.  Read Psalm 16


Prayers of Victory #3

Father God, for too long I have allowed Satan to bombard my thoughts and mind, as of this moment now it stops in the mighty Name of Jesus.  Father, you have called me to the Body of Christ to be an agent of change in these last days and I surrender all to you so that you can use me.  Jesus, you said that because you have overcome the world, I too have overcome the world.  You have assured me that whenever I pray to the Father in Heaven in Your Name that my request is granted.   Thank you God.  Read John 14:13


Prayers of Commitment #1

Heavenly Father, I now understand that your purpose and will for my life is what’s best for me.  You have carefully planned my future (Jeremiah 29:11).  The trials I faced only came to make me stronger and more resilient.  Your word is true and it shall guide me through each season of life, empowering me through the day.  At times I lean on my own understanding even though your word tells not to, but to acknowledge you and you will direct my path (Proverbs 3:5). Your promises for me are sure and they shall manifest.  Father your plans for me are great.  Praise God, great things you have done.    


Prayers of Commitment #2

I say “Yes” Lord to your will and no to mine.  Grant me today the grace to mount up on wings like an eagle.  You have strengthened me by filling my heart with joy and your Holy Spirit.  I know there is wonder-working power in The Blood of The Lamb.  The Precious Blood of Jesus that he shed for me at Calvary. A sacrifice that God himself prepared, gave and accepted.  Father, through Your Holy Spirit, help me to hear every word you speak and to steward it well. Lord Jesus, I am willing and available to do what you ask of me.   Heavenly Father, I humble myself under your mighty hand and give you all the glory.  For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and forever.  Amen


Prayers of Commitment #3

Jesus, Lover of my soul. Oh, How I love you Jesus.  Lord God Almighty, I praise you. My prayer and confession is, “Oh Lord you are my GOD”.  Here I am.  Take what you have purchased by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ the sacrificial Lamb.  I yield myself to you as your possession.  Read Romans 5:8-9


Prayers of Commitment #4

Thank you God, for your grace and your mercies.  Thank you for your love and power.  I bless you today and Lord I love you.  Please help me to cling to you.  To desire more of you and to know you are close to me, never leaving me.  There is much for me to know and to learn.  Father God give me the grace to do what it takes in all things today to live and honor you.  I serve you my risen Saviour Jesus.  I know my life will not be lived in vain for I shall do all that you created me for.  Holy Spirit I need you.  It is God who woke me up this morning.  Today is a day of the supernatural manifestation of God.  Brand new miracles, signs, and wonders shall be revealed.  And that all creation would worship you.  That Christians would renew their commitment and love unto you.  Lord, there is nothing common about who you are at all.  I serve you with my “Yes”.  Lord, my life is yours.


Prayer:  Christ Likeness #1

Dear God I thank you.  You are so good to me.  You have been faithful to me at all times. Thank you God for the grace and mercies you give me daily.  I know that my life is in your hands.  You only have good for me and not evil.  You give me understanding and wisdom even at nighttime.  You order my steps while holding my hand.  There is nothing you cannot do from the smallest to the greatest problem.  I will trust it all to you.  For you alone have my best interest and you Lord alone know the way I should take.  Lord restore and revive me.  Allow me to be all that you’ve called me to be.  To speak kindness to everyone.  To genuinely walk in love.  To give from a pure heart.  To pray with compassion and by the Spirit.  To live in harmony and peace with all.  To trust you and trust others in your hand.  To pull down strongholds and wrong believes constantly in the power and authority of Jesus Christ.  I will praise you in spite of how I feel.  To listen, obey and submit to you.  To walk in faith in order to please you. To know that you God has given me an abundance of peace, therefore I shall fear no evil for you are with me.  To cry for justice and declare it is established in the land.  To be still in your presence with an appreciative heart.  For You God are good and faithful to me and you are my God.  Lord, I thank you in Jesus Name.  Amen.    1 John 4:16, 1 John 4:21


Prayer:  Christ Likeness #2

Jesus you said that I am the light of the world according to (Matthew 5:14–16).  I will shine brightly for you.  Be magnified, my Lord.  I exalt thee Almighty God.  I will keep my eyes fixed on only you.  May my desire for you be the greatest thing in my heart, to honor you in every way.  I ask in Jesus' Name.  Amen.  Read Matthew 5:14-16


Prayers of Confidence and Faith in God  #1

Oh God, how can I be confident that something I want is going to happen when all of my hopes have been dashed?  How can I risk believing that the life I hoped for is waiting for me?  Lord, I believe that the key is in looking to you.  Father God anyone who comes to you must believe you exist. He shall be greatly rewarded when he prays.  I am not like those that turn away seeking other false gods to pray to.  I am the one who is fighting the good fight of faith.  Jesus, you are the author and finisher of my faith.  I am calling those things that are not into existence.  I come in agreement with your word for my life and proclaim it loud and clear.  I am determined to finish the race and to be listed among the saints in Hebrews 11.  I am the seed of Abraham and the gift of faith is grafted in me. Amen. Read Hebrew 11


Prayers of Confidence and Faith in God #2

The place that I am in can no longer contain my destiny.  God you are so much bigger than this.  There is a feeling of unsettledness inside of me whereas I know I’ve been here in this place too long.  Whatever needs to be changed and transformed in me, Lord please do it.  Let my enthusiasm and joy return that I will laugh again and not recall the pains and hurts.  God you have bigger and better plans for me and I believe nothing, no one can change my mind concerning this.  Only you can tell me otherwise.  So today I am pressing onward as a loyal soldier in the army of the Lord.  I put on the whole armor of God and plead the Blood of Jesus over my life.  I praise, rejoice, worship, and stand on your holy word of truth in Jesus Name.  Amen.  Read Psalm 51


Prayers of Confidence and Faith in God #3

Lord Jesus, there are some things I cannot do on my own.  You are the only One who can put things in the right place.  My thinking about how it‘s going to be done, the timing, the events, process, and circumstances are not working.  Now I realize that you are working things out for my good.  I trust you in this, and I will stay close to you.  I believe that it will and it shall happen for me as you have said.  No barriers can stop it.  No person can undo it.  I know that the everlasting God is on my side and He shall make good on His promises to you.  Lord Jesus, I trust you and believe the spoken word of God in the midst of adversity.  This is my appointed time of God, in this new era and season.  Father, I agree with you that it is for me in Jesus Name, Amen.  Read Psalm 23


Prayers of Confidence and Faith in God #4

I can have what I say, blessings, good health, financial success, safety.  Jesus, I believe you told me that any situation is a mountain and I could speak to it and it would obey me.   Whether it’s a mountain of debt, mountain of burdens, a mountain of marital turmoil, a mountain of cancer, a mountain of disease, demon interference, etc. Lord Jesus I am taking you at your word and I ask that the Holy Spirit help me by guiding me to pray precisely against every mountain in the mighty name of Jesus.  Read Mark 11:23


Prayers of Confidence and Faith in God #5

Father God, I come in agreement with you as I take authority and exercise my faith believing that I will live a life where there is no more:  dry seasons, sleepless nights, lack of finances, delay, sickness, baroness, and bondage.   Faith arises in my heart now as I hear and read the word of God.  I declare great abundance and blessings, deliverance for all family members and friends right now. I am anointed to lead and to establish companies and my own businesses. I am completely healed.  I am debt-free. I am a lender and giver only and shall not borrow from anyone. I lose nothing God has given me. I am blessed as well as I am a blessing to others. I am victorious in conquering my enemies. I am fruitful and a winner of souls for the Kingdom of God.  I am connected to the right people. I shall live and not die. I shall endure to the end with great victories. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.  Read Deuteronomy 28


Prayers of Protection #1

Father in the Name of Jesus, I thank you for preparing me today for something great that you have purposed for my life.  You are the Author and Finisher of my faith.  I am blessed to receive this privilege.  I commit my whole life to the process for your glory.  Empty me of selfish desires and cut everything out that is not like you.  I confess that there are iniquity and sin in my heart.  I forgive all those that hurt me and I bless them.  Please forgive me Father and cleanse me from all iniquities and unrighteousness.    I cooperate with your Holy Spirit in all things obeying your word to walk in love and forgiveness.  Create in me a pure heart as I humbly surrender to you.  You’ve called me to be a brave soldier on the frontline to represent you well.  Now that I’ve confessed and repented of my sins I now receive and put on the whole protective armor you have given me.   As the battle is fierce, I am assured that there are no areas in my life that the enemy can afflict me.  I am walking in truth and holiness being confident of the peace through God that Satan shall never prevail against me.  That those with me are more than those against me.  God you have given men dominion over the works of your hands and put all things under our feet.  Therefore whom shall I fear? You have given me the victory in the name of Jesus to defeat my enemies.  With a clean heart, I can confidently wield the sword of your word against them.  I speak and pray your words that bind every evil spirit.  The songs of praise and tongues of the spirit bring mass confusion and fire upon the hidden kingdom of the darkness. With the authority of Jesus’ Name, I break chains of bondage from myself and loved ones.  As I wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the forces of evil, I will not slander and hurt my brothers and sisters during the heated battle.  I overcome all my enemies by the Blood Jesus.  My testimony is that Jesus is my Deliverer; he hears and answers my cry.  You will not leave me to the vices of demon forces no leave me in the hands of wicked men.  The Lord God is my strength and beside you, there is no other living GOD.  No weapon formed against me shall succeed.  My Shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart. Lord, you have searched and examined my heart and cleansed me. Lord, you said in your word that your eyes are upon the righteous and your ears are open unto their cry.  Your angels protect and deliver those that fear you. Lord, I fear you and I am expecting to see the manifestation of healings, breakthroughs, miracles, signs, and wonders. Restoration and joy in my life and those with whom I prayed for.   Lord I love you, honor, magnify and worship you alone. For indeed you are my Rock and the Anchor of my soul.  Amen. Hallelujah…….   Read Ephesians Chapter 6  & Psalm 34


Prayers of Protection #2

I break off every attack against my mind in the name of Jesus.  I reject and rebuke the spirit of fear, worry, and panic.  God has given me a Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.  My salvation comes from the Lord.  I put on the helmet of salvation and I am convinced that my help and deliverance is in Christ Jesus. I destroy and rebuke every lie spoken to me and against me, and I uproot every deceitful and wicked thought rising in me. I willfully renounce and replace them with the word of God. I have the mind of Christ, a renewed and regenerated mind. I take every unclean and perverse thought captive in the name of Jesus and repent of harboring and doing them. I surrender my heart, mind, ears, eyes, and mouth my whole being unto the Lord. I will instead think and meditate on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and good reports. I focus on the things of God and his work, lifting Him up in praise continually in Jesus Name.  Amen.  Philippians 4:8 & Colossians 3


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Adoration #1

Father God, I surrender all to you.  For it is in you that I live and move and have my being.  I thank you for your Son Jesus Christ and your sweet Holy Spirit.  I am grateful to be here on earth and alive today.  Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. May the cultures and systems of this world and every other kingdoms bow before you.  May you be exalted and magnified throughout all generations. Thou LORD are high above all the earth and exalted far above all gods. There is none like you LORD, for you alone rule and reign with all glory, wonder, and power.  Your authority is over all spheres and regions.  You, God, are seated above the highest heaven and have a full view of the earth, galaxies, and times.  You alone created the eons and no man can determine it.  The earth you have suspended in space and the people are your children.  What is man that you are mindful of us?   You sent your Son to give his life for us.  Your love is like no other, for it encompasses us about and through.  You are the Love Shield and source of life.  My Father in Heaven, holy and righteous, faithful and true.  My life belongs to you with all my love I surrender to you.  Have your way as you will for the glory belongs to you.  Amen.    Psalm 91 & Psalm 99


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Adoration #2

Heavenly Father, I rejoice and praise your holy name.  I adore you and sing your praises. You’ve kept me through the night and awoken me to see a brand new day.  This is a day of thanksgiving and praise.  Jesus is alive.  Holy Spirit you are welcome here.  Let your peace prevail in our nations and in your people.  Let your grace comfort us.  Let me hear the sound of your voice calling me to come closer and up higher into the secret place.  Lord, it is in your presence where I want to dwell.  That my life will glow, be ablaze with your love.  That the essence of your love would flow through me.  Lord show me your glory.  Lord show me your light.  Lord show me your goodness. That my eyes shall see and my ears hear the secrets that you share.  Even when my days have come to an end and my breath is slipping away, with all that is within me, LORD I will praise you. Hallelujah    Read Psalm 86


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Adoration #3

Be magnified Oh Lord.  Be magnified. Great things you have done and continue to do.  My hope is in you alone and in you Lord do I trust.  For you have shown me the way of truth and righteousness.  For who is like the Lord, you alone are He.  No one is like you, Holy is your name.  You render assistance to the weak and give strength to the downtrodden.  You raise up those who are paralyzed with fear and give hope to those who are confused.  Thank you God for your grace.  You’ve carried me all along, never forsaking me.  You tended to me as a little child and comforted me.  To you, I belong oh Lord and beside you, there is no other.  No other name to be mentioned in my mouth or held in my heart.  Jesus in you do I trust.  You are the friend who sticks closer than any brother.  No one knows my needs but you alone.  For the LORD Almighty is my Maker.    So I worship and bless you.  You gave me strength when I was weak, broken, and discouraged. Your right hand upholds me. I thank you and bless you for your kindness and tender mercies.  Amen.  To God be the Glory. 


Prayers for Marriages #1

Father God, I believe that you desire the relationship between a husband and a wife to be of unity, tied with cords that will not be broken by force, challenges, trials, temptations, or any vices of the devil.  A three-strand cord is not easily broken.   Jesus when you are the center and head of the marriage, the hurdles or mountains will be subdued and yolks will be destroyed.  There is a sense of responsibility in marriage to ensure that the other person lives a life of purity, agreement, and humility.   That the goal of the marriage is to honor and glorify you.  Father, I pray that the husband pray without ceasing and believe you to create in him a clean heart – a heart that loves and respects you.  More importantly, a heart that fears and loves you.  For the man who fears and loves you with all his strength and might seek you in prayer daily, will certainly love and pray for his wife’s needs, just as Isaac entreated you for his wife Rebecca and she conceived. Also that the wives respect and honor her husband, having eyes only for him.  May they not grieve the Holy Spirit by being uncooperative, disruptive, condescending, or spiteful.  May they bear the fruits of the spirit of God with humility and purity.  That they also address the “King” in their husband and speak life over him.  I ask thee Father God, to undergird marriages with your mighty hand.  I believe in the transformation of every mind and heart to love instead of hate.  To forgive one another for the wrongs done.  Break off every chain of bondage, self-applied and those imposed by the enemy.  I also plead the Blood of Jesus especially on Christian marriages and break the cycle of abuse and mistreatment.  Through your Holy Spirit, revive marriages once again.  May spouses seek you Father for godly and correct counsel instead of the instructions from the world.  I give you the praises in Jesus Name, for I am convinced that you God have heard and answered my request.  Be magnified and let your Glory break forth in Jesus mighty Name.  Amen.   Read 1 Peter 3


Prayer for Family

Father God by faith I did and went where you told me to go.   I know that even in this place that you God have guided me.  That you will bring to pass the things you’ve promised me the same as you did for Abraham and Sarah.  Lord my conditions and age are not a factor for you.  Actually, if you don’t bring it to pass, no one else can.  You have appointed to me beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  What is impossible with me is not impossible with you my Lord.  You’ve promised me marriage and children and that I would see my grandchildren.  God I believe you.  You have not changed your mind concerning me.  I believe you even more now than I did before.  In Jesus Name I say Thank You Father.  Amen Read Genesis 21:1-7


Prayers of Affirmations #1

(_____ Say Your  Name ____________)  stop thinking about what you’re not good at.  Or the abilities you think you lack as they are hindrances and roadblocks as a result of negative thinking.

I am confident and believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Greater is Christ in me than he that is in the world. The Holy Spirit empowers me to complete every task and reveal the hidden gifts within me.  The God-ordained doors and gateways are supernaturally opened up for me.  I have access to areas that were once off-limits.  My hands are anointed to produce unique creations as well as instruments for healing the sick.  My fingers are free to write songs and other creative writings, which honor God and bless God's people.  My voice shall speak with boldness and love the words of the Spirit.  My feet shall walk in peace among men and be in the right place at the right time. My life is a light that God has positioned in the earth realm to shine for Him without shame.   Read Jeremiah 17:7-8 


Prayers of Affirmations #2

I say “NO”.  Fear you will no longer impose on my mind and heart. I will fear no evil for God is with me.  The spirit of fear and lies are defeated. I am who God says I am.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  I’m like on one else.  My perception of who I am is healthy.  Clothing and brandings don’t make me.  God made me. He made the clothes for me to wear. He’s also given me the garment of praise and the robe of righteousness.  The person I was before Jesus came into my heart is gone.  I am the apple of his eye.  I am a new creation in Christ.  I am a child of God.  Read 1 Timothy 1:7


Prayers of Affirmations #3

The Holy Spirit resides in me.  I am ready for the journey that’s ahead.  The Holy Spirit is my Guide, Helper, Comforter, Counsellor, and Defender.  God had given me the grace for the way forward. I read, speak and believe the word of God.  I will not run from the test. God has a purpose for my life.  Satan is defeated.  The Holy Spirit is all-powerful and He is with me.  With the Holy Spirit, I can face anything and win. 


Prayers of Affirmations #4

I walk in the Spirit.  He is standing up in me from head to feet.  The anointing loosed me and set me free.  I am kind and at peace with a gentle and quiet spirit.   I no longer allow my emotions to control my attitude.  No more will my soul dictate my responses. I will not complain, nor walk in meanness, display a nasty attitude, and un-forgiveness.  Nothing can hold me down.  No weapon formed against me succeeds.  I believe the word of God and I speak it.  I submit to the Holy Ghost who dwells in me for I am GOD’s child.   Isaiah 61:1


Prayers of Affirmations #5

I believe and receive my new work assignment, a new place of employment, better pay, benefits, working conditions, a new level of learning and growth, mobility, and opportunity to start my own business, industry, and ministry.  I work in a healthy working environment with people of like-mindedness, where there are no trauma, drama, sickness, or diseases in Jesus Name.   Thank you, God.


Word for Parents

Teach my sons that they need an education but that a man is not successful if the LORD God is not the center of his life.  He is only an achiever climbing the ladder but he will never be successful because he is not wise enough in making the best decision for his life in serving and honoring the Lord Jesus Christ.  The man who fears the Lord, success and the favor of God will pursue and overtake him.  He is a kingdom man. 


Word for Marriages #1

Deal not treacherous with one another.  Always recall the covenant you made before God in marriage.  Let not bad events turn your heart to hurt one another with unkind words, actions, and gestures.  Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God within you, but bare one another up in prayer and love.  Life can be challenging at times, however, the breakthrough is always around and near you.  Place no emphasis on the wrong or negative things about your spouse but believe the best about them.  Praise each other and do not hurt.  Love each other as the whole and not in partiality, scarcely or not at all.  Leave the lip service behind. Speak words of grace and truth.  Let it be the sound of the heart for you are a child of God. 


Word for Marriages #2

Respect the mantle your husband is carrying, the anointing of God, his purpose, and calling in the spirit realm.  Angels watch over him.  He is God’s servant and God’s son.  You are heirs together of the grace of God in the union in Christ.  Bare one another up in love, preferring the other over you.  Seek not selfish ambition but rest in the assurance that the grace of God shall carry you to your divine destiny.  Your coming together is the act of God.  Your calling is ordained by God.  Should not He keep you in it too, to see the fullness thereof?  For there is no defeat in Christ only victory.  Yes, Victory.  Believe me when I say victory through grace you were saved, to do good works that I have ordained and prepared for you before the calling on your life.  I’ve set you apart to do good works as it needs to be.  Rest in me my child and you shall see the outcome for your good.  I get the glory.  Yes, I get the glory.  


Words of Encouragement #1

Know with the assurance that I AM with you.  I am holding your hand and leading you.  Prophesy as you pray and call on my Name.  There is victory and strength in my Name.  There is power in my Name.  Grace to overpower every circumstance.  The weapons of your warfare are not carnal but supernatural.  I have given you the supernatural ability to outwit, withstand, overthrow and dismantle the works of darkness.  Supernatural empowerment to reverse any and every curse and assignment from the evil one.  Demons flee at the mention of my name. They remember their defeat the last time, knowing that they will always be defeated and brought to shame.  My abilities are greater than you can see my child.  Walk in the light, observe, maintain righteousness and elevate in faith.  Only a few will go when called.  I have called you to go.  Sing oh daughters of Zion, Sing my sons.  Sing until the breaking of day.  Sing worries and fears away.  Break the back of slumber singing sobriety into the nature of my people.  Sing for Israel, Sing for the promise land.  For you are chosen.  Sing my daughters and sons sing.  Be brave.


Words of Encouragement #2

I have come that you might have life and have life my abundantly.  Know how the thief comes.  He comes in deception telling himself how great he is, to take away from you what is not his.  In the same way, Satan the thief and liar comes to deceive.  Obey my word for it is true.  Believe my word.  It is life unto you and you shall be planted by the rivers of living water and bear much fruit.  Fruits in abundance and life.  Who can steal your fruit when you remain in Me. 


Words of Encouragement  #3

Prepare your heart.   Prepare your mind.  Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  Cast off the weights of sin which so easily beset you.  Stand firm in faith and love.  I have called you to persist and to prevail.  Be fortified through praise.  You’ve outgrown your place of stay and abode.  Zion is calling you to a higher place of praise.  Your heart is yearning for more of me.  Be watered in prayer.  Be watered by the word of God.  Be watered by the counsel of the Holy Spirit and trust me.  Your change shall come upon you suddenly.  No longer a wanderer you shall be a wonder to many. 


Words of Encouragement #4

I’ve opened the doors for you that no one can shut.  Waiver not in unbelief.  I’ve called you Esther. I’ve called you David.  I will never leave you comfortless.  As Haman sought to kill my people so he was destroyed.  As they sought to kill you, so they shall be destroyed.  No harm shall come to you or near your dwelling.  Fear not, neither be afraid for your life is in my hands. 


Words of Encouragement # 5

Oh that my people would all hear my voice and obey.  Understand my ways and thoughts concerning you.  I have delivered you from hell and destruction.  I set your life free from sin and brought you out to a very large and vast plain.  No one can wear the shoes I’ve given you.  No one can be like you.  Trust me to guide and direct your steps.  My word is established over your life.  I have not left you comfortless.  The journey is not easy or what you had expected.  However, the best is yet to come.  Learn from what I’ve revealed to you.  The young lions suffer hunger but they that wait on the Lord shall be as Mount Zion.  I’ve called you to a higher place of praise.  I AM your Father.  My throne is on high.  Grace is given you to ride out the storms.  You will ride through and soar high.  You have been called out and been separated for my work so walk by faith trusting in the Lord your God.


Words of Encouragement #6

Cease from bickering, complaining, and criticizing they are wrong and unhealthy.  They get you nowhere but to show you in the wrong.  Pass the time doing what is right and not criticizing others' behavior.  I already know the heart of each individual.  My heart towards them is love.  Leave the rest to me.  Go in peace and love and leave it alone.  Let me speak to their heart as I am speaking to you.  So trust me in all of this, for all that I do is to show you a heart of love and a heart that forgives and a heart of joy. 


Words of Encouragement #7

Why be ye sad?  Rejoice for your great days are upon you.  You shall walk in it beholding the glory of the Lord.  Trust me to bring it to pass.  Pause and give me praise.  You have lived in the valley long enough.  Now you are going to the mountain top, up where eagles soar from.  Up from the presence of evil people and false relationships.  Up from your past failures.  Up into your destiny.  For it shall spring forth suddenly.  For those who once knew you and do know you, shall no longer recognize you as you are now anew.


Words of Encouragement #8

When you are insulted, quickly forgive the person and forget it.  The enemy wants you to hold the offense which thereby gives him access to stagger your progress and levy an accusation against you.  You will fall into the trap if you carry the offense.  Freedom comes to those who first of all reject the insult or offense by forgiving the person by whom the insult or offense came.  Secondly, forgive them quickly in an instant.  Therefore now the offense is on them alone and not on you.  You are free and they are bound.  Pray too for their freedom and liberty from the bondage of sin.  That is what a true daughter or son of mine would intentionally do day by day.  Act on my word and heart towards them.


Words of Encouragement #9

Go by faith and grace on this day to do my will.  When I call upon your name you will answer.  Trust me in this saying of doing my will.  Say “yes” to my will.  I will not leave you comfortless but my desire is for your wholeness and completeness.  I shall deliver you.  I shall take you over into the promised land as I’ve done before.  My grace is sufficient enough for you to carry you through.  Trouble, not yourself concerning small matters and matters at hand.  For my light shines through the darkness, through dark areas of your life.  Trust me to lead and direct your footsteps and footpaths.  I go before you by day and by night for I know your outcome is for good and I will get the glory.


Words of Encouragement #10

Come up a little higher in your worship.  Let it not be a strain.  There is no lack of energy nor power but an increase of the same.  I have designed you to worship.  To worship Me in the morning and at night.  Your focus is on Me.  Mind not the naysayers, I require worship and praise.  The anointing will flow when you worship and praise.  Count all the other things lost for the Excellency of Christ.  I perfect you, my child.  I respond to you.  I restored you, and you are mine.  The anointing is on your life.  I take pleasure in you.  Wait on the promise.  Wait for it to come to pass.  Wait for the transition.   Power and grace, not a little but a whole lot running over your life.  Faith.  The death angel has passed over you and your household has been preserved.  My grace is sufficient.  My Blood marks and identifies you.


Reflection #1

Psalm 21 vs 13

Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise they power

Psalm 40 vs 30 And he hath put a new song in my mouth even praise unto our God: many shall see it and fear and shall trust in the LORD.

The LORD brought me up out of a horrible pit and out of the miry clay (trouble) and set my feet upon a rock and established my going.

The LORD delivered me out of my troubles and hard, difficult places.  I could not get out on my own.  He heard my cry and came and delivered me from what people, the enemy threw me into and what I walked into on my own because I did not heed to his council and leading.  Still, he had mercy upon me and rescued me from it all and set my feet upon the Rock.  After establishing myself in himself, I know now that he is my Lord the living GOD.  I receive and walk the path of life he has for me.  The Lord my God establishes me in Him to do His good pleasure and work.


Reflection #2

Mark 7:21  For from within out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts.

(His Response)

Be very careful of the things within your heart, that they are tested by the word of God which is light and truth.  Think about good things, pleasant and joyous things. Do not allow your heart to go into dark places to think of evil, which is wrong.  You are what we think.  Let the word of God govern your heart for the Lord Jesus Christ is in you.

What are you pondering?  Like a fisherman when he pulls in a fish on his line he keeps it.  However, when he pulls up trash on the hook he throws it back into the sea.  Why?  Because it’s of no value or use. 


Reflection #3

Observe the Loving-kindness of the LORD.   Read Psalm 19 &107

Look around, all around beyond my eyes could see. Point to the loving-kindness of God towards me and all mankind.  His word lays out who He is and His attributes.  It is God's will that we obey his word and let it be our guide through life.  That we put our trust and confidence in him and not in our own ability.  He is the Master and He is LORD.  God is good to me even when I am not good.  I could never earn his favor but one thing I can do is to ask by faith, acknowledging his presence in my life, giving him all the glory, honor, and praise.  For it is his power and strength alone which I depend on, as his Holy Spirit leads me and guides me.  Lord, I thank you. You are here GOD.  You are here.  Thank you Lord Jesus.  You are the way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, the Light, my all and all.  Your grace is sufficient and proficient for me.  You lead me into the place of quietness.  Lord I find rest in you for you are my assurance.  Your love surrounds me night and day and through all the seasons of life. In you, I dwell and live.

(His Response)

My love surrounds you and keeps you.  I am with you.  Trust me with your surrendered heart and mind.  Trust me to carry out my will and thoughts in your life.  Live in the trust moment by moment, day by day.  Do not consider the outcome of how it will end for you.  Know for sure it shall and will end for your good and I will get the glory.  Go through the process.  Stand in faith in God alone and nothing else.  Transfer anger and hate into love and peace of soul.  Deliver my people and saving of souls.  I’ve called you to preach to the souls of men to expound unto them the kingdom of the soon coming King.  He is the King of Glory.  The Lord God strong and Mighty is the Lord God Mighty in Battle.  He is the Son of God.  He is the Son of Man.  Deliver my word in the platforms you have been given by the spoken word of God.  Do it in faith, in peace, and in love of heart.  Trust me it is for your good.  No evil will befall you. I open up your gates for the release and I shall not be stopped.  You are a part of the remnant although it does not look so, it is so, haven’t I called it into being. 

Surrender you're all to me.  Mind not the naysayers and the critics.  Yes, I am coming soon but no man knows the day or the hour in which I shall come.  Lawlessness will continue to persist.  The faith of many will be cold but there is the set apart who shall be a challenge unto the systems of the world, to governmental leaders, to rulers, kings, to principals, but my Name shall remain in their hearts and in their mouth and they shall be a force to reckon with.  They shall persist and they shall prevail for I am with them to deliver my people out of the darkness, peril, famine, wars, hate, destruction and carnage and sacrifices of evil.  So go my child and tell them, repeat what I have said to you.  Repeat my words to them.  Even to the very elect that they will know that I am coming soon.  Rest in the assurance that a need and a sure work is guaranteed.  Parents to parent children and to establish them in the word of life.  The liberals will not be so liberal after all when they hear and see the impending dangers ahead.  But I will come quickly and my reward is with me.  So preach and speak and sing and go and tell somebody of my loving kindness and tender mercies for them.  They will look for me and they shall find me when they seek me with their entire heart by faith.  Trust me my son/daughter this saying is for you too, that you will find me.  Seek me.


Here are some scriptures listed below to assist you and to remind you of your position as a child of God.  Read aloud and allow them to minister to you. 

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 New International Version (NIV)

13 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


Colossians 1:27-29 King James Version (KJV)

27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: 28 Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: 29 Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.


Colossians 2:9-10 King James Version (KJV)

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:


Genesis 21:1-2 Good News Translation (GNT)

21 The Lord blessed Sarah, as he had promised, and she became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham when he was old. The boy was born at the time God had said he would be born.


Galatians 5:13-16 King James Version (KJV)

13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.


Hebrews 12:1-2 King James Version (KJV)

12 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


Isaiah 54:7-9 New International Version (NIV)

“For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back.  In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you,” says the Lord your Redeemer.


Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


John 7:38 Amplified Bible (AMP)

38 He who believes in Me [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Me], as the Scripture has said, ‘From his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living water.’”


Luke 10:19 King James Version (KJV)

19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


Mark 11:23-26 Living Bible (TLB)

22-23 In reply Jesus said to the disciples, “If you only have faith in God—this is the absolute truth—you can say to this Mount of Olives, ‘Rise up and fall into the Mediterranean,’ and your command will be obeyed. All that’s required is that you really believe and have no doubt! 24 Listen to me! You can pray or anything, and if you believe, you have it; it’s yours! 25 But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive you your sins too.”


Philippians 4:8 New International Version (NIV)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


Proverbs 19:11 Living Bible (TLB)

11 A wise man restrains his anger and overlooks insults. This is to his credit.


Psalm 3:8 King James Version (KJV)

Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.


Psalm 34:13-14 Living Bible (TLB)

13 Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from lying. 14 Turn from all known sin and spend your time in doing good. Try to live in peace with everyone; work hard at it.


Psalm 91:14-16 King James Version (KJV)

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.


Psalm 107:6-8 King James Version (KJV)

Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses. And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation. Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!


Romans 2:10-11 The Message (MSG)

9-11 If you go against the grain, you get splinters, regardless of which neighborhood you’re from, what your parents taught you, what schools you attended. But if you embrace the way God does things, there are wonderful payoffs, again without regard to where you are from or how you were brought up. Being a Jew won’t give you an automatic stamp of approval. God pays no attention to what others say (or what you think) about you. He makes up his own mind.


Romans 8:38-39 New International Version (NIV)

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Romans 12:2 Living Bible (TLB)

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how his ways will really satisfy you.

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