Monday, December 30, 2019

Archives 2019 My God Won't Ever Fail

God Will Do It For You

Jun. 10, 2019

Having titled my Blog for 2019  “We Win” was not a coincidence.  God allowed me to exit 2018 with the boldness to stand knowing that He was not done with me and that his promises would surely manifest for my life.

2018 was a year in which I began with so much excitement in my heart.  My list of expectations was so long and my daydreams were longer if you know what I mean.  You see in 2017 I had a word from the Lord that my changes had come and that I would be transitioning.  I presumed for sure that God had finally answered my prayers and that I would see the manifestation soon.    What I did not consider though, was the timing of God and the trials I would have to endure.  Certainly, the process was not an easy one. The word of the Lord tried me and I can say that I’ve proven him to be faithful and true.

I had to be separated from people that I loved because they could not understand the changes God had called me to walk into.   My heart was broken as I struggled to grasp the changes in our friendship.  For sure God knows the path that we should take for, in the end, we will arrive at the same destination.  Not only was he calling me to a different place of fellowship but he was severing soul ties and having me to totally depend on him.  I’ve learned a long time ago that to obey the voice of God is crucial for my survival.  What I have gained from that experience is to celebrate with others when God has transitioned them.  Also, to pray that the right people would walk alongside them in their journey, that they encounter people who will be in agreement with the decision and direction of God for their lives.    God in his wisdom lead me to a new ministry, Mt. Tabor where I am growing spiritually and fostering new relationships.   May God continue to bless Bishop Ellis and the Mt. Tabor Family.    

Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.   My joy has been restored and in greater measures. 

During my transition I continued to surround myself with the word of God, singing and praying.  I would play the CD’s from church over and over again in my car or on my phone which I believe keep my faith up in the midst of adversity.  At the place of my employment, I was growing weary in the work as the administrator.  I really wanted a change in scenery, to step away from dealing with traumas every day not to mention projects and the day to day running of the office.  I wanted out, yet at the same time, I struggled with the thought of leaving the work.  Unforeseen events transpired from 2017 - 2018, I thought for sure I could not leave.   Feeling trapped, angry and afraid, I did not know what to do but to pray.  This became an issue that I started to keep to myself as I found out that in discussing with friends and family they would tell me “Glen, who is going to do the work when you leave” and “You can’t leave there, that’s your calling”.  My mom has a saying that “only he, who feels it, knows it” for no one understand what was going on inside of me.   The word of God tried me, I had to look beyond my surroundings and circumstances to stand on the promise for my change and transition. 

At the end of 2018, I must admit that I began to feel defeated but God reminded me to let go of the past and to look ahead and that my change had come.  That it was already done concerning me.  That He loves me.   I believed him and released the past, the hurts and all the emotions I had suppressed.

My expectations were high for 2019.  No longer was I allowed to look back and replay the scenarios of what was.  So I decided to pick up the pace.  The book I was working on had to be completely revised, so I began to work on that.  Also, my perspective changed for my position at work.  My prayer at the beginning of 2019 was that there will be no cases of sexually abused children.  That we will see a drastic change in the numbers and that our children will be divinely protected by the angels of God.   I must say that this is the first time in many years that there are only a few reported cases. 

Also, I restructured some tasks and began to take lunch breaks.  In addition, my assistant was given additional responsibilities that I believe she was capable of handling which involved me stepping back from working extended hours.  There was no need for me to oversee everything as long as she had instructions.  It was time for me to trust God with it all as he asked me to give the Centre to Him.

He may not come when you want him but He will always be on time. May 30th, 2019 was my last day at the Centre.  8 years of services to all who came for help and to the building of my faith and trust in God.  If God says something He will perform it and it never looks the way you imagine it.  He said to me that what I will be doing next is different, so said it is.  Yes, I will be starting something new next week.  One thing I did not do was broadcast my departure immediately to the staff and members.  Guess I just wanted things to remain consistent.  Certainly, I was not getting into explanations or debates.  I wanted to leave in peace and I am grateful for the opportunity that God had allowed me to really see the sufferings and trauma his people go through.  It was to prune me, uproot pride and self-righteousness, and absolutely humbling experience that I will never forget.  Meeting people where they are and not judging them but simply supplying their needs and loving them.

Truly God is not through with me yet.  All that preparation will be utilized the way He has orchestrated for my life.  Only God knows the places he is taking me, I could be asked to leave my country to go somewhere that I’ve never been to before.  God only wants an available vessel, one he can trust.  So my brothers and sisters whatever the season you find yourself in, know that it is only a test.  It may not feel good, you might have to cry, even feel like giving up but I want to assure you that your change will come.  Once God promises you a thing He is faithful to fulfill it.  He never fails, the Lord our GOD never fails.  He is preparing something good for you as he is pruning you into the masterpiece that will give him glory.  The glory of the Lord shall be revealed in your life.  Do not worry, do not stress release it and let God have it.  He will keep you in perfect peace if your mind is stayed on him. Find something to sing about and make melody in your heart unto the Lord.  You will laugh again my friend, be encouraged and I will continue to pray and believe God for your breakthrough.

Feb. 23, 2019

Fathers & Sons Being Restored

I had a series of dreams this morning; I thought I would share this one in particular as I believe it’s certainly good news.  In the dream was a Senior Pastor/Bishop in his late 50+.  He had grey and black hair and mustache.  He was dressed in a sweat suit and sneakers.  He was about to cross the street when from different directions appeared a crowd of children, young adults and he was holding a baby (not his own) in his arms.  They were of different nationality and gender.  The man’s son also joined in the walk as they crossed the street together and vehicles came to a stop.    I also recall there was joy and laughter among them and they listened attentively as he was speaking and walking.

I believe that many fathers of the faith have been waiting for the coming together of the younger generation and the older generation.  Many have been praying for the turning of the sons to the fathers.  Somewhere, somehow we allowed our inability to work together and to learn from each other to drive us apart.   However, I see that the Lord is restoring us back together.  Many Pastors have been committed to preaching, evangelizing, shepherding God’s people with integrity and honor.   It has not been an easy task as some thought about quitting many times.  Yet they held onto their faith in God and his promise to them that He will complete what he started.  They wondered about the younger generation and it grieved their hearts to see so many go astray into immorality.  Some ministers had lost their joy while ministering due to personal challenges, losses, betrayals, scandals and financial distress.  At the same time, they’ve watched their own children choose not to serve the Lord but to do their own thing.  The Lord is doing a new thing and things will not remain the same.  The time has come that He is renewing and refreshing his sons and daughters who have been faithful over the years.  The weight they once carried will be no more.  Their attire will be different for they will no longer be interested in impressing others but to embrace the mantle that the Lord has given them.  They shall run and not get weary.  They shall walk and not faint.  They shall be filled with the joy of the Lord which is their strength, and the song of laughter shall fill their hearts.  They have been graced for this new era of their life and the bridging of the generations will not be cumbersome anymore.  The younger generation will flock to the fathers and mothers of the faith to glean wisdom and knowledge.  They shall inquire of them of how they overcame in the various aspects of their lives.  They will no longer consider them weird or old but cornerstones and pillars who are able to bare the weights and still stand strong against adversity.  They are seeking them out even now.  The prodigal sons and daughters are returning, they are returning back to their first love.  They have sought for pleasures in the world but only found heartache but now they are coming to Him the one who first loved them. 

Prayer:  Thank you God for the crossing over and the merging of the generations of fathers and sons.  Fathers who shall be renewed and equipped, to impart into the younger generation by your Holy Spirit.  I declare that they shall reap the good harvest as they have sowed.  That they shall no longer grief nor shed tears about the past.  That you are doing something new and that the former things are no more.  Thank you for saving our younger generation, babes, children, young adults.  Keep them safe from harm.  May the revival fire rest upon them as they seek your face and heart.  Father, they are seeking after you and I know for sure they shall find you.  Move the stumbling blocks out of their lives and bring them into a safe haven of rest, peace and grace.  Revive us again and fill our hearts with your love, make us one as you are One in Jesus Name. Amen


Feb. 15, 2019

Risk Loving

I Am Loved by Gaither Vocal Band

I am loved, I am loved
I can risk loving you
For the One who knows me best
Loves me most
I am loved you are loved
Won't you please take my hand
We are free to love each other
We are loved

Today all around the world couples celebrated Valentine’s Day. They expressed their love by giving roses, jewelry, chocolates, and the works.  One cannot deny the excitement and joy being on the receiving end.  Too often the same kindness and gifts/tokens are not reciprocated.  No one should be in a relationship and still wonder whether their significant other feels the same way about them as they do. 

This morning while I was preparing for work, this song came to me and I believe by the Holy Spirit.  Immediately, I stopped applying my makeup and repeated what I heard.  Okay, I knew that heard it before.  So I started to sing and the other words flowed, I grabbed my journal and wrote the verse.  As I was already running late, my intention was to revisit this song when I returned home.  However, while driving to work I began debating with myself why the Holy Spirit had given me this song.  I started to reflect on the events of yesterday at the office.  A few weeks ago I decided to do something special for the ladies who volunteer as Counsellors/Therapist at my work as most of them would not be in today.  We all love chocolate, so I placed an order for 1 dozen chocolate lava cakes weeks ago and had them delivered to the office yesterday.  The ladies were so surprised as I served them and wished them Happy Pre Valentine’s Day.  We laughed, ate cake and drank tea.  Each one of those ladies and myself included are in different phases of life whether separated, divorce, newlywed, widowed, single, long-time married.   I was more interested to listen to their perspective of life and their views of womanhood and relationships.  These women have given so much of themselves helping others.   We’ve fostered a strong friendship over the years although at times we’ve disagreed and made amends.

You can risk loving people without the fear of being hurt.  There is not one person in the world who has not been disappointed in the past by a person whom they truly loved whether a spouse, child, parent, friend, etc.  It’s letting bygones be bygones and moving on in life.  Be determined to give from the heart.  Sincerely loving people.  Giving a gift or a small token as an act of appreciation.  Speaking uplifting words of encouragement.  Believing the best in people. Forgiving those who betrayed your trust and pray for them.  Truly we are loved by the One who knows us best and loves us most.  Jesus love for us is perfect, just so perfect.  Over time his love for me has eliminated the thought of having a hardened heart.  It’s not necessary at all.  As we grow in the grace of God we can rely on Him to preserve us in the midst of unpleasant situations.  Other people should not have to suffer for someone else’s bad behaviour.  We are free to love each other for we are loved.  Yesterday, I celebrated with my friends.  Today my mom reassured me of her love.  My friends called and WhatsApp their sentiments.  Another friend surprised me with a beautiful teacup with chocolates and a teddy bear.  She and I laughed as we both know that we have to try out a new tea flavour.   Also, I do recognize that there are other nuggets in addition to the ones I’ve elaborated on thus far from my experience this morning. I know that the fullness of it shall be revealed in short order. But in the main time, I am rejoicing and appreciate God’s love for you and me. To God be all the glory great things HE has done. 

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.  John 16:33 NLT

Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor. 13:13 NLT

You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.  Matt. 22:37-39

Prayer:   Father in Heaven, you are the keeper of my soul.  I thank you for caring for me the way you do.  Through your Son Jesus, you’ve shown me how much you love me.  I ask that you would create in me a heart that would love at all times and through all the seasons of my life.  Let the love of Christ flow from me to others.  Lord, let the love you’ve placed in me meet the need in someone else’s life.  That I would not ignore their need for help.  May your hand continue to be on my life as you raise me up to be a better person inside and out.  That you will be pleased by the way I walk in the love that you have commanded me to demonstrate to all people.  There is faith in love for one cannot love without faith at work.  May my faith remain as I stretch out even the more to love even those who don’t love me.  That I would not render the same in any way but prove to be different by walking in love at all times.  Father, your grace is sufficient for me for even in my weakness you are strong and mighty.  Let the wind of your Holy Spirit blow up each and every one of us tonight as we say yes, to your will and your work to loving you first and loving our neighbor as ourselves.  I need you in my walk, to be with me and to hold my hand as I trust you to make everything alright.  God have your way in me, with me and through me in Jesus Name. Amen.


 Feb. 10, 2019

You Are The Living GOD


Amazing God, You are

There is no other GOD

You are the real and living God

You alone do I trust and believe

Thank You, Father, You are my King

Let me learn of you, oh God

To know your ways and follow you

You alone are worthy to be praised

I praise your holy name and worship you

Marvelous you are

Surely you are my delight.  Lord, I love you

for who you are

You are the Living GOD

Almighty and Powerful

Beautiful and Amazing. Yes, you are

You are the Living GOD.

Have your way with me

Have your way in me.  Yes Lord, yes.

Stretch out in me.  Show me your way that I shall live.  My delight is in you, Creator of everything.  Your kingdom has no end.  Yes, Lord, I will serve you.  I surrender all to you.  I seek for you with my whole heart.  With every beat of my heart, I pant after you.  For you are the Living GOD.  Yes, you are.  My Father, My Saviour, My Deliverer.  Strong and mighty are you, Jesus.  Hold my hand and guide me.  Lead me into your truth for you are my shield.   Your love will never fail.  I call you my Rock for you have proven yourself to me over and over again.  There is no denying it.  For you are the Rock of my Salvation.


Prayer of Gratitude 

Saving me by your power and grace.  Securing me safe from all evil and dangers.  Oh, if I had only known all along how really good and kind you are to me.  I would’ve come to you earlier.  Thank you, God, for claiming me as your own.  There is no turning back for me.  No turning back for me.  My life totally and completely belongs to you Jesus.  Use me as you will, to do as you chose.  I have no hesitation.  I’ve let it all go to be free in your hands to do your will.  Search me oh God.  I say yes Lord, yes to your will.  I will trust and obey when the Holy Spirit speaks with my whole heart.  My answer will be yes.


New Beginning

Be gone yesterday for you are no more.

Be gone from me my past, for you are forever gone.

May the day that I live in now, no longer recall the pain

and disappointment of yesterday.

Rejoice, oh my soul.  See the sun is shining again.

Be glad my heart for the refreshing of my soul within.

There is more good before me than the ills behind me.

So I take hold of today, reaching out for tomorrow with

Great Expectations.

For great things shall come.


All the Way My Savior Leads Me  Song by Rich Mullins

All the way my Savior leads me 

What have I to ask beside? 
Can I doubt His faithful mercies? 
Who through life has been my guide 
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort 
Ere by faith in Him to dwell 
For I know whate'er fall me 
Jesus doeth all things well


Victory all the way

I ain’t a puppet for the enemy

My life has been designed by the Master Creator GOD

He meticulously formed me to do his will

To walk in peace from within

Satan’s tricks are over

Every plan and plot exposed

Diligently I walk where my Saviour leads me

Ever so carefully leading in victory

Victory is mine over my enemies

With strategies divinely designed, to destroy my enemies

Woe to he who shall content against me

I know that I shall win

The fight my Saviour has fixed for me.  He has won the battle

And given me the victory.  Victory is for me in Jesus Name.

Yielding is never easy.  It takes time - being processed continually.  I’ve learned that it must involve the releasing of my selfish desires and a hidden motive as the Holy Spirit reveals them to me.  Even then to continually surrender my will.  I’ve also found it to almost compare to letting myself, who I am, who I really am to go; that part of me that I have worked so hard to be known by family, friends. The persona I have put on from childhood to adulthood.  What a process. 

The lesson I am learning is to share with as many people and to instill in my children (when God gives me them) to be completely honest with God and myself.  To open up to him and not to hide the raw hurts, wounds, brokenness.  For as long as I can recall I have cultivated a prayer life.  However, I was not always willing to confront every issue.  If you’ve got layer stacked upon layer of unresolved issues it becomes harder to remove.  No more praying around or ignoring the issues.  God has been good to me and I am exceedingly grateful for his mercies.  In the middle of the night, at work, at church, everywhere and at any time we are having conversations.  Sometimes he makes me laugh at myself.  Other times I laugh at how he would propose a question or comment to me.  Then at times I begin to well up and cry because I am so astonished of how much he cares for me.  Nothing can compare to that feeling.

So yes, I will continue on the pathway called surrender.  The journey is not a bed of roses but in order for his love to flow through me to others freely, I am prepared to pay the price.  I believe that God won’t fail me. No, he won’t.

I had a dream early last Saturday morning.  I was rescuing children and putting them on a big bus.  Babies, toddlers, and little children were being abandoned by their mothers.  There was a frenzy and the mothers were fleeing.  I picked up a baby she was wrapped in a light green blanket and I held her in my arms and I felt the love for her, and then placed her on the bus.  The effects from the storm were fast approaching as the sky had dark clouds and the wind was blowing hard –debris was flying.  All I was doing was running picking them up and placing them on the bus.  I don’t recall who the driver was but the children were safe.

Prayer:  Lord, by your love I will serve.

Remaining Hopeful

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about plans for this new year.  Some people are in gear and ready to get what they aspire to achieve as earl...