Monday, December 31, 2018

Archives 2018 Absolutely Marvelous

Don't Look Back

Dec. 26, 2018

I pray that you all had a wonderful Christmas Holiday and press to finishing this year strong in another few days.  Truly, the Lord has been good to us, in that He has brought us this far and will continue to lead us as we trust Him.  I believe that many in the Body of Christ are at a point where they are wondering “what next”.  Perhaps, the question is due to your position and location at the end of 2018.  That you have come to the end of the year and have not achieved certain goals that were made in January.  Listen up, let me encourage you not to worry or fear.  Be anxious for nothing.  Only trust that God knows your location and that He will direct your footsteps if you only trust Him and believe.

I have waited a long time to release this note to you.  It challenged me and I tested it during the last 8 weeks and have proven that it works.  I don’t know how many of you have visited the Bahamas, but I live on the island of Nassau, New Providence.  The roads are always busy and at times some drives are not courteous.  Since September during my morning commute, I noticed that whenever I drove that other drivers would drive closer to my car.  Normally, I am not a slow driver so it started to bother me that perhaps the other drivers wanted to race.  My car is a Nissan Skyline, so it has some power; therefore it wasn’t like I was obstructing traffic.  My previous car was a Mustang, which I drove for 12 years, so I know how to maneuver a car.  Most mornings I was having this incident happen to me, even to the point that I started pulling over to allow the drivers behind to pass.  Some of the drivers after pulling out from behind actually stopped and looked at me to say “what happened” before speeding off.  This went on for a while which made my commute stressful because no matter my speed they were trying to race or overtake. 

One Tuesday morning in November, I was fussing as asking God to help me not to be angry and to keep me safe while driving.  Just trying to understand why this was reoccurring as it was not the norm.  I heard the Holy Spirit in a soft voice say me “don’t look back”.  Wow. Oh. I began to laugh and rejoice. The stress left immediately.  I began to sing, “God is good to me”, for He is concerned about the things that concerned me.  That is what I was doing unawares, continually looking back in my rearview mirror, looking back to see what was behind me and getting frustrated.  If I had kept my eyes looking ahead the drivers behind would not have affected my perception of how close they were to my car.  Images in the rearview mirror appeared closer than they really are.   Also, that I lost time when I pulled my car over, when in fact I was ahead leading the pace.  In a sense too without knowing, I had created my own personal boundary – zone which I was trying to protect.

I learned several lessons that morning.  In the same way, in our life when we continue to look back on our past, people, places and things our perception of life can seem clouded.  As we prepare to exit 2018 by the grace of God, let us once and for all forget those things which are behind us and look ahead.  That will elevate the anxiety from your heart and mind.  Don’t try to figure things out.  Don’t slow down to allow others to catch up to you. Keep moving at the pace God has set for you to run.  While looking ahead expect great things to happen in 2019.  Actually, get pregnant with expectation in what God will do in and through you.  He is indeed Marvelous and does marvelous things.  Believe all that He has promised to you; believe for manifestation in your life.  Don’t compare 2018 and the years before to 2019 for it is a brand new beginning and things never seen before shall emerge and surprise many.  Go through the open door with joy and thanksgiving.  You have gained ground and your enemies can’t do anything with you.  Keep focus looking ahead.  Listen and obey when the Holy Spirit speaks.  I believe that was the softest the Holy Spirit has ever spoken to me, I almost didn’t hear him.  Even in the midst of chaos to be tuned in to hear God speak.

Since that Tuesday morning, I am no longer bothered by who is driving close behind as I intentionally keep my focus on where I am going.  I am grateful that Jesus has kept his promise to me to never leaving me alone as I walked through unpleasant situations and separation from people I loved.  That the heart is capable of loving in spite of what we go through, that is what we are called to do.  As I transition into 2019 my daily prayer is “yes Lord, where You lead me I will follow”. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts in Jesus Name.  God Bless you.

Nov. 3, 2018

Say "Yes" to Purity

It has always been God’s design for us to walk in freedom from the things that try to assail us.  I have always been convicted that believers who are courting and dating should not look the same as unbelievers.  Believers have a code of ethics called the word of God.  Our standards are set by God himself for our wellbeing to protect our spirit, soul, and body.  It is our compass to having a healthy relationship that honors God and the other person. 

I have observed over the years that somehow many Christians both men and women are not free from sexual sins.  Many have become slaves to sexual immorality.  The weights of their actions have caused them to spiral out of control emotionally, crushing many with depression, guilt, condemnation, and shame.  The thought of me meeting and being in a relationship with someone who is a believer but who is not disciplined in this area troubled me.  How can two walk together if they cannot agree on what is morally right.  We should agree to purity, respect of our bodies, and to no inappropriately touching.  Christians seeking a healthy relationship with another grounded Christian. Everyone knows that you cherish who is valuable and important to you.  We have to look at our life as a destiny and God is the Pilot.   Sadly, we can choose the wrong person without having God’s approval. It’s important to trust God with everything including the matters of our heart.   I remember sharing my convictions with some Christians sometime ago, and their response to me was “they are 2 consenting adults”.   See how subtly the spirit of pride showed up, only concerned about one's feelings and pleasures.  We know the Book of Genesis tells us that God made man and not us ourselves.  The advantage of being an adult is that we are accountable to God for all of our actions.  There are no more excuses.  How is it that we have forgotten God requires us to be holy vessels who worship Him?  It matters to God how we live before Him. Having celebrated my 48th birthday recently, I began to review my life.  I recall saying in my heart that it really doesn’t matter if I never get married and have children.   Somehow that did not sit well with God’s plans. The next morning at about 4:00 am, I heard these words sternly “you will be married and have children as I have said”.  Those words echoed within and I became afraid. Immediately I got up and began to pray.

Over the next four mornings something happened as I awoke, the enemy began to taunt me with lies and the fear of falling into sexual sins.  The minute my eyes opened and before prayers or songs could be released from my lips fear would grip me.  On the fourth morning, I was like I’ve had enough.  I awoke and sat up in my bed with a militant attitude and took authority over the enemy.    That was the last time the enemy confronted me on that matter.  I don’t know what took me so long to take action.    No, I wasn’t having my mind and space being hijacked for another moment.  The atmosphere in my bedroom immediately changed.

I learned that morning that the enemy would intrude and overstep if you allowed him.  That I have legal rights to stop everything that is trespassing against me.  The same applies to relationships, as too often we give people access to our lives who should not be invited.  We try to conform to others knowing that their convictions are not in accordance with the word of God.  It’s no use being with someone because they make you happy for a few minutes but you have no peace.  Practicing any form of inappropriate behavior is actually backsliding.  There’s no peace in that.  A few of my friends before they got married, frequently expressed to me their regrets of not being disciplined in that area.  It was a continuous battle and they felt defeated.  However, they were not prepared to take my advice to walk away from the relationship.  Somehow, they felt as though they had invested too much time and emotions to walk away.  That they had preferred to pray and fast so that God would change the situation.  All they wanted was to be married.  Some women have the notion that they can fix anything or anybody.  The fact is that being unequally yoked with anyone will cause you to overstepped boundaries.  Satan will always use someone to test you to see if you know your worth. Their male friends had no issues with things being the way it was. Fortunately, those ladies got married; however, they have lost interest in being intimate with their husbands.  Now you can understand why it’s important to stay within God’s guidelines and his blueprint for our lives.   

I believe God to divinely bringing single Christian people together who have lived consecrated and surrendered lives.  Although, you’ve been mocked and ridiculed by family, friends and even other believers know that God is preparing you for his purpose.  You will be a wonder in the earth that God is the best matchmaker.  He knows just how to make you the right fit for your spouse.  Stop comparing your life with other people and believe God‘s word that you are unique and specifically designed to carry out his assignment.  Yes, the wait can be difficult.  Sometimes it seems like forever, but if God made you a promise it is so.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  God is faithful to perform what He said.  My sisters, know you worth for you are daughters of God.  He loves you, so trust him to order you footsteps and present your bodies as holy unto the Lord.  Make Jesus the Center of your life by giving him your entire heart.  Also, DO NOT serve God under the false pretense that he will give you a husband.  Many of you have heard that in certain denominations and have spent years running all over the place, being everything to everybody and at the end hurting, bitter, angry and alone.  Sadly, you were manipulated.  Forgive and let the Lord heal your heart. Let’s serve God with all of our heart, totally falling in love with Him.   Trust Him with the answers and know that He knows what’s best for you.  My brothers, love well.  Be kind towards your sisters for you are of the same Body of Christ.  There is no need for you to pretend or appear to your male contemporizes that you’re the ladies man.  If you be for Christ then stand for righteousness and shun the very appearance of evil.  It takes a real man to present his body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God.  To service the Lord in his body is a sign of virtue and honor.  You have a platform that the devil wants to steal from you.  Do you know who God has called you to be, the head and not the tail.  Holiness is still God’s standard and it will never go out of style.  No never. Keep your eyes on the things of God, resist the devil even as Joseph did and ran away from Potiphar’s wife.  God is faithful, for he will give you the desires of your heart.  Loving and serving the Lord Jesus prepares you to love and care for your future wife. 

1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

Matthew 6:33 NIV But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Galatians 5:19-21 ESV  Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 16:13 ESV Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

Proverbs 18:22 ESV He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.

Proverbs 12:26 ESV One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.


October 8th, 2018

I worship you God

You are worthy to be praised

How I exalt your name Jesus


You are the Holy One

You are He who was, and who is and is to come

You are my Father and Lord


Yes I praise you

Yes I worship you

For you are my God

Yes, you are my God


In you I live and move and have my being

You are my Savior and King

Your right hand holds me


You are my Shelter and oh Lord

To you I come to sing my song of praise

I love you, I love you

You rescued me when no one else could.  You transformed my life into something beautiful.  Lord where would I be if you had not seen about me.  I really don’t know, only you know.  I am so glad that you took me up and breathed new life into me.  Yes, I am here because of your saving grace.  The grace that saved me and that has never let me go.  Oh, I am so glad how you care for me.  I was like a ship drifting without a sail.  Doomed to be shipwrecked and discarded like driftwood.  But you saw me and took me by your hand and never let me go.  It is to you Lord Jesus that I give you my all.  My life belongs to you.


Taking Ground. Advancing Against Our Enemies

September 11th, 2018

While sitting on my bed looking out the window these words dropped in my spirit, “Taking ground.  Advancing against our enemies”.  So I took my book and began to pen the words was I heard it.  Somehow I believe this word is connected to the dream of September 7th, although I also believe there are other revelations as well.

For too long we have sat as the church and allowed the enemy to take our grounds.  God has given the earth as an inheritance.  The precious things God has given us also include wealth, health, property, wholeness, livestock, sea and multiple accesses to heavenly realms, etc.  Passivity gets us nowhere.  Fear kept us paralyzed and the enemy had a field day.  But today there is a death sentence levied against our opponents/enemies.  Just as David said to Goliath,  “This day the Lord will give me the victory over you. I’ll strike you down. I’ll cut your head off. This day I’ll feed the bodies of the Philistine army to the birds and wild animals”.  1 Samuel 17:46

So today, our enemies shall be in peril due to his destruction.   We are taking back what the enemy had stolen from us.  I am taking it all back and reclaiming others as well.  This is a season of recompense for the judgment of the Lord is laid against those who fought relentlessly against us.  Many have died; some have fought and have given up hope.  Many have lost the zeal to go on further in life because of the memories of defeat.  Fear, not my brothers and sisters, now is the time to go back at it.  This time with renewed strength and vision to reclaim that which is yours.  You are more skilled than ever before.  Your warfare in the spirit is more than enough for there are no more weights holding you back.  No pride in yourself or your accomplishments.  Now you know that your life is in God’s hands and your strength comes from Him alone.  The wisdom is the Lords.  The tactics are the Lords, not by might, nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord.  Leave the past defeats behind, no more replays over what was done wrong.  See I do a new thing, haven’t I spoken it.  It is brand new and you shall recover it all, recover it all back.  Ask me for a thing, I shall do it for in this you shall know that I have spoken it.  Now reclaim the new territories and provisions that I have already claimed for you as it’s already mine.  Reclaim your position in Christ Jesus, for you are the head and not the tail.  Above only and never beneath.  You are more than a conqueror but an overcomer.  Go in faith in the actions of faith with the word upon your lips flowing from your heart that will debilitate and cripple your enemies of your past, present, and future.  Go in the strength of my love, for my banner over you is love.  Yes, it is love and I shelter you in my hands.


September 7th, 2018  

Early Friday morning I had this dream.  It was so real. Somehow I wanted to forget it and deliberately chosen not to write it down.  However, I gave in and here it goes.

I was on the eastern end of the island at a house located across from the sea.  The house was situated on a hill and I was standing on the patio.  A lady and I were talking until my attention was redirected at the property across from the house.  The property had dense vegetation and lots of trees.  A strange sight appeared that of a bright pathway through the property.  Then and a black kitten ran through the pathway and it stopped and turned to look at me.  Right then my dog Buddy came barking and running from behind me and dashed across the street to go after the kitten.  Somehow I became very uneasy and started yelling at him to come back.  After shouting a few times “No Buddy, come back” very sternly, he stopped and proceeded back to where I was standing.  I was still feeling uneasy almost anticipating something bad was about to happen.  Just then 3 boys in their late teens showed up walking up the hill each holding a spear/javelin in their hands.  I heard in my mind “the 3 Hebrew Boys”.  Being a bit confused as the saying, I debated the reason they were present in Nassau as they were mentioned in the Bible.  They did not speak nor acknowledge us but appeared to have come for a fight of some kind.  Whatever it was they had come for, they had no intentions of it getting past them to go down the hill into the sea. 

Immediately, I saw with my eyes that which they had come to confront.  It was a creature which looked like a giant centipede with several colorful fins like that of a lionfish on top of its body.  It did not crawl but was almost walking upright.  (I’ve never seen this before in my dreams.  I’ve seen some strange things over time but this was totally different).  It too noticed the 3 boys and then began the confrontation right before my eyes.  The 3 boys began to jab their spears into the creature’s body.  As the fight continued pieces of the creature’s body were being cut off but those parts appeared to grow back instantly and bigger.  One of the boys went too close within the creature’s reach and was severely wounded collapsed.  The other 2 boys were becoming weary but they continued to attack but their jabs were not powerful enough to take it down.  Right then I saw my father appeared and standing alongside him were 2 men dressed in pastel color suits.  (In reality, my father is a fearless man.  My mom and I run to him whenever we see a snake or centipede in the yard.  He protects us and takes care of us).  Daddy had a different type of weapon in his hands; it looked like a pair of giant garden sheers/scissors.  It was about 4ft-5ft long.  He said to the 2 boys “let me show you how it’s done”, and he began to cut at the creature’s major body parts, mainly the upper body and neck.  Main while, the 2 men stood beside daddy remained silent.  The 2 boys immediately received momentum and proceeded to pierce and tear at the creature's body at the same time. 

I was still standing on the patio, then I decided to move higher up onto the steps but there were other people as well standing behind me watching this event.  I yelled to them to pray, that they needed to pray so that my father and the boys would destroy the creature without them being hurt.  Some of the people kept quiet, some ignored me and others mumbled their prayers.  It appeared that they did not know how to pray.  I began to plead the Blood of Jesus over my dad and the 2 boys as well as over the boy who was wounded so that the poison in his blood would have no effect on his life.  I was in fervent prayer as the fight continued.  The only words that were uttered continually were that “I plead the Blood of Jesus”, and I saw in a vision very clearly every location that the Blood of Jesus was being deployed.  Then the creature went down, collapsed on the road.  Suddenly the 2 men began fighting the creature as well. But an even greater surprise followed that an army of men all dressed in the same type suits appeared and they all overtook the creature and completely destroying it.   Then I awoke.  



June 11, 2018

I was at work finishing off a report when I was disturbed by a commotion coming from the street.  People were blowing their car horns in a state of frustration.  So I got up and looking through the window to see what was happening, only to discover that a car had stopped on the corner.  The driver a young lady was trying to start the car but was unsuccessful.   From where my office is situated I could see the line of frustrated drivers.  The commotion continued, obviously, those folks were in a hurry to get back to work from lunch and they could not move as the street is very narrow and busy.  Then I looked and saw a fellow by the name of John turn through the corner and stopped his vehicle.  He jumped out and beckoned to the two males in the vehicle behind the lady’s car to come out to help.  John is about 60+ years old and has always been an advocate and activist, never short of words.  I heard John say to the other drivers to “have some patience and let’s help her”.  He again beckoned to the 2 males in the van behind the lady to come out and help. They were hesitant to comply.  John proceeded to push the car and the other two males decided to assist. All three men pushed the car from the corner into a nearby vacant lot across the other side of the road.  After a brief discussion, it was discovered that the car had run out of gasoline.  John and the other men got back into their vehicles and went there way.

As I watched this event unfold I was reminded of the scriptures 1 John 4 vs 7 “Beloved let us love one another” and 1 Corinthians 13 vs 4 “Love is patient, love is kind”.  It took one person by the name of John to make a difference.  I didn’t assume for one moment that John wasn’t in a hurry either to get to his destination just as much as the other drivers.  But he decided in a moment to do the right thing.   

Just like the young lady whose car had shut down on the corner for gasoline, so there are many people who have run out of gasoline or fuel for their journey.  She could not get out of the corner to proceed to her destination.  Many people have shut down spiritually, they have lost their fire, motivation, and veal to pursue the course God has assigned them to walk.  Many allow traumas, circumstances, the past, people and their own mindsets to crush their spirit.  All of us know people who are stuck and to be truthful many of us have been there too. Discovering and realizing what the real issues are that causes the heart to shut down, can also reassure someone that they can be changed or restored.  There is nothing too hard for GOD.  All who call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.  Jesus is our Redeemer and the Restorer for every broken part of our life.  There is absolutely nothing that He cannot fix.  But one has to admit that they are out of gas.  There is no need to be ashamed, for the Holy Spirit is able to refuel us with his fire which will enable us to thrust forward.  My brother, my sister, do not stay in a weary state but encourage yourself.  Jump start your day in prayer, praise and reading the word of God.  Play sanctified music and listen to anointed messages.  Go to church and stay away from negative people and influences.  Consider yourself the apple of God’s eye.  You are God’s finest creation and He knows that your enablement is only through Him.  So continue going to the source, Jesus for renewal every day. 

Also, let’s not subject ourselves to being a bystander.  The 2 men who were in the vehicle behind the lady had the ability to assist her from the beginning.  They had the strength to push the car to clear the pathway.  Instead, they were trying to get around and were fussing know that she was incapable of moving the car and needed some assistance.  Standing up is what we are called to do as Believers.  To stand up and put our faith into action.  For too long we’ve observed our own brothers and sisters in the field wounded and assaulted by the enemy or the trials of life and we do nothing.  Let us pour love, kindness, and healing to those who have slowed down, become perplexed or had gotten off course.  It makes no sense jeering or slandering them when we are called to be different.  The world is watching our actions.  We are brands plucked out of the fire and our Lord has covered us in his righteousness.  (Zechariah 3 1-5)

Prayer:  Lord let your fire fall on me.  For thine is the Kingdom and the Glory.  For from this day I promise to do differently so that my life will shine brightly.  Let the rays of your glory be revealed in my life.  Let me soak in your love and be love to those I see and meet and greet.  Give me the grace to look beyond someone faults and to see their need for help, healing from hurt, disappointment, scares, and cares.  Yours Lord is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory.  It flows in me and through me to make a difference in the world.  Let them lead lives that have been changed because they see You in me.  In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.


July 8, 2018

A dream I had this morning that it was night and I was in my bedroom looking out of my window. Instead of the sky being black it was blue and clear with no clouds, instead, it was filled with stars.  I could see the constellations and clusters of stars and most appeared to be shooting across the sky towards the east.  I also saw my friend Karen appear briefly and said that we will travel east and she disappeared. Then I saw faces of the people in the Arab World appear and disappeared.

As I continued to gaze at this spectacular sight more intensely, the stars began to create a formation or pattern of equal distance between them as not to collide with each other.  Then just as suddenly the stars all changed into airplanes.  The sky was now filled with Boeings, large jets and Airbuses really large aircrafts and they were traveling to the Eastern Countries at vast speed. At the same time, I saw the aircrafts landing on runways one after the other in those countries.

To GOD be the Glory!

"Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O LORD, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.  1 Chronicles 29:11

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.  Habakkuk 2:14


May. 12, 2018



Smile awhile
And give your face a rest
Raise your hand to the One you love the best,
Then shake hands with those nearby,
And greet them with a smile!

“Smile awhile and give your face a rest” This morning made the third day that I awoke with this song in my heart.  The first thought that came to my mind was that this is a children’s chorus.  Then I started having mixed emotions as to why I was singing this particular song. 

For the last two mornings, the first line of this song was playing in my heart.  Once again this morning I awoke to this song tumbling within me.  This time I sat up and began to meditate on the words.  Obviously, I had not gotten the message the last two days. I thought about God’s loves as I began to examine my attitude and the issues of my heart.

The last few days were stressful.   I would not say that things had escalated out of the norm as I do work at a crisis centre agency and being the administrator does not make my job any easier than the other members of staff.  However, for some reason, I was not my usual self for several days and had become frustrated about everything.  It was just too much for me to take any more.  In a nutshell, I lost my smile and my joy.  Obviously, the only thing I wanted to do was to get on a plane and get away for the next few days.  Who was I fooling?  I could not run away from that which I had not confronted.  An issue in my heart had not been resolved.   My going away from the centre and traveling to another county won’t solve my problem. 

The truth of the matter is that I had recently experienced disappointment.  I was expecting something to come through and it didn't. It had been temporarily delayed. Several days before the Holy Spirit was telling me “wait on the Lord” and “be still”, but I was so excited that I did not harness my emotions.  Also, I thought that this time the wait was not literally timing.  I was upset and was faking it, but God knew exactly how I felt.

My life would be out of control without the Lord.  He is my Restorer and my Healer.  He is my Strength like no other. And he knows me better than my mother and father.  He knows the thoughts that I think and where I want to go.  He is my Father.  I am laughing now as I write because God surely knows everything about me.  It is obvious that He is ordering my steps.  Through it, God had given me the grace to interact with people and to hear their problems and to share in their joyous occasions without them knowing I was discouraged.  A friend sent me a message this week which read “your smile lights up an entire room”, to which I could not respond. Did she not see the changes in me? Or is it that, God had allowed her and others not to recognize anything different with me.

What a friend we have in Jesus for he covers us and cares deeply when we’re hurting.  It does not matter if others don’t understand why you’re tripping. Everyone goes through times of testing and trials which seem to be tailored to each individual.  I have accepted God’s timing once again, even in this situation, as I have been doing for some time with other things he has promised. Romans 8:28 says that “All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”.  I’ve got my smile back and I am resting in the truth that God is good.

There is a song that I made that always comforts me when I sing it for it reminds me Jesus love and compassion. It goes like this:

I’ll recognize Him by the nail print in his hands. I’ll recognize Him by the nail print in his feet. I’ll recognize Him by the piercing in his side. You alone are GOD.  GOD alone

In all things let us give God thanks and praises, worshiping him as he deserves. Romans 8:35&37 reads, "Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?  No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us".

Prayer:  Dear Father in Heaven, I thank you for the life you have given me through your Son Jesus Christ.  I love you and appreciate you for you are good.  As I look to you, I believe that every situation in my life will work out for my good.  You have already given me the victory to overcome every situation. and that I will continue trusting in you.  Your word assures me that, you will never leave me nor forsake me, so I am confident that while I walk through trials and testing I will keep my focus on you.  As you allow me to drink from your word which is life unto me please guide my footsteps.  I ask also that you purge my heart from all bitterness, malice, negative thoughts, and unforgiveness so that nothing can hinder my walk with you.  And that love and peace will flow from the very core of my being so that others will be drawn to you.  Let the words of my mouth be words of encouragement to others who may be experiencing difficulties in their lives also.  In Jesus Name Amen.

Apr. 10, 2018

Trusting in the goodness of God

I recall having a dream in September of last year where I heard a choir singing.  The song was beautiful and breathtaking until I felt as though my head was going to explode.  I could not see who, or where the singing was coming from.  Perhaps they were angels.  The song they sang was "Yes, Jesus love me".  I felt the peace and love of God.

There was another dream that followed immediately in which a wedding dress appeared.  It was a beautiful white dress with lots of bling.  I looked at it and said that the I could not wear it because it had no sleeves.  And that I felt it would not cover me fully on the top.  Then there appeared 3 women that I called family and they began to cut the dress.  They told me why I could not wear it and that it was for others and not for me.  Then they began to mock me and I could not get my hands on the dress as they were withholding it.  Right then I recall a mature woman appeared in the midst of us all and she took the dress from the women and gave it back to me. Supernaturally the dress was restored like new. The 3 women became afraid and withdrew.  She then warned me not to get advice from people but to ask God as He has the answers.

Have you ever been to in a season where things just changed?  When you made plans to put down roots and determined that the place you're at would be home.  Whether it's church, city, workplace or relationship.  For me, it was a church that I had not planned to leave.  Over the last few months, I found the departure difficult and I questioned the calling on my life as well as the fears of starting over again.

The question I had was that I was not sure whether God would continue to use me.  To put it mildly,  I had attached my calling and the anointing on my life to the place where I was and had not taken into account that it is God's doing. Why would I expect anything different? I know that God is good to me.  He has proven to me over and over again the magnitude of his love.  Nothing can separate me from the love of God.  Nothing. Jesus gave his life for me, Glendina...

I don't know why I am sharing this.  This is one of those dreams I've kept to myself until now.  However, this is one of the encounters that left me pondering. This issue was one of those things we don't talk about.  At times we would hear someone blame their former Pastor or a church member for the turmoil within their heart.  But as for me my Pastors and my church family were my identity.  I did not feel empowered nor confident to be used by God outside of that arena.  There were just so many different emotions charging at me. Surely, I was walking in fear, unbelieve and limiting the LORD in my heart. Yet God was merciful and kind even when I was confused and when my perception of who He is was wrong.

2018 is perceived as the year of the suddenlies and the supernatural of God.  This year the LORD will ask us to move out of our comfort zone.  To take leaps of faith and to trust Him to reposition us wherever He chooses too.  In obedience to the word of God, we will encounter turbulence within our heart.  However, the turbulence is only temporary for we are destined to get to our next location on time. As the scenery of our life will change for greater and better let us place our confidence in who God is, and how amazing He is to us. 

Prayer:  Father in Heaven I thank you for your grace and mercies upon us.  You are faithful and a good God.  You are the One who made us and you deliver us when our enemies rise up against us.  In you Lord Jesus we have the victory over every hindrance, attack, and pitfalls of the enemy.  We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.  And Father I thank you for the work that you have chosen, anointed, called and prepared for us to do, they are good works.  Thank you Holy Spirit for being our Helper. I ask you, Father, to let your Kingdom come and let your will be done in the earth in our lives as you have ordained before time began in Jesus name. Amen


Remaining Hopeful

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about plans for this new year.  Some people are in gear and ready to get what they aspire to achieve as earl...